Pignut said:
Could anyone point me in the direction of a guide for
what is seasonal/available for catching for beach casting,
What rig to use for each species!
I know this is a tall order, but you guys have yet to let me down!
Well about now should see you catching flounder in the estuaries. Try spinning using light tackle and worm bait rag or lug. These spoons are good and fun to work over the sandy bottoms.
http://www.fishingbig.com/fishing_tackle/lures/swift_lures/63mm_flounder_spoon.html attach a small ball weight to the swivel above the spoon. A double paternoster will also work again use worm baits. whiting, pollock and cod are also around and the paternoster will do again for these. If you want to particularly target larger whiting use a small whole sandeel or a piece of a larger one. whiting by the way are delicious
Tip a worm bait off with fish sandeel or mackerel. Large squid bait on a pennel rig for cod and tie on bait with bait elastic to keep it in place when casting
Float fishing is fun in the sea. Use a float designed for sea fishing and black tip is the best colour to see the float, which may sound strange but try it
In the summer and autumn mackeral fishing is immense fun on light tackle from the rocks. They're great fighters for their size, and are a rigid fish from the tuna family. If feathers arn't working try float fishing with a strip of squid as bait. I've had days were the mackerel arn't taking on feathers but as soon as I've tried float fishing with the squid they're interested.
Use an old pair of scissors to cut up baits it's easier and safer than a knife in slippery hands and use an old pair of nail clippers to trim line.
If there's anything specific you need to know just ask and I'll try to help if I can.