Scottish Meet Up!! - Archive

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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Aug 9, 2005
I know a few folk who'd like to come along. Specificaly, the guys I've been out adventuring with recently(old and trusted friends).
Scotty's just about caught the bow-building bug but doesn't see much point 'till he gets yew to play with(even feeding him TBB hasn't broken the mindset, he's hopeless!).
Kev absolutely, positively, HAS to make fire. ...and has a fine machete with a flimsy fabric cover and jumped at the prospect of being shown how to make a sheath(he promptly started describing the way it would fix on and tie round:)). His better half Grace worked outdoors up that way until recently and tells a mean Story of Loch Drunkie :D .

Everyone wants to chuck some arrows and paddle about, and the pickup would make room for another couple of targets.

I'm a stranger here myself :eek: . Is it alright to say to say 'the more the merrier' and bring a few pals?


Making memories since '67
I am sort of in the more the merrier catagory but want to make sure that we do not end up too crowded. Theoretically there are only meant to be 8 tents maximum at the site but this is really for the large tents that youth groups usually have, that sleep loads. I have checked with Stuart and we will not be limited to this number but I still want to ensure we are not too cramped. This really only applies to camping and eating space as we have the whole of the forest to do stuff.

There are a few people here who know the site better than me. I have only seen it once. How many do they think we can comfotably handle? Also it is worth remembering that some people will be in hammocks so they will not really be using any of the clear area.

So far we are looking at

Me (probably without wains as it would mean them missing some school)
Toddy +2 (Maybe)
Eric possably with grandchild
Doc with Ross & Andrew
Big Geordie
JFW maybe with wains depending if wife is pushing or not.
JohnC & Son
Grooveski +2
Morch & two children
Troy, wife and 2 kids
Oh and Graham_S ;)

26 so far with a few more possables. I would say we should be fine up to 40 but what do others think? Also bear in mind that some will only be there for a selection of the nights. If the worst comes to the worst we can all meet and socialise at the Youth camp and at night some of us can slope of into the woods to wild camp, maybe even paddle off!

Couple of other reminders.

1)There is no clean water supply so either bring plenty or be prepared to boil and / or filter enough water for your needs.

2) No toilet facilaties so a latrine will need to be dug or if Eric is bringing his porta potties we need to set aside an area for these.

3) Lastly there is a fee for using the site plus a deposit. I have paid this in advance. I also need to pay a deposit for a key to let us in and out after closing time. I will probably just cover the cost of the site myself as a donation, of sorts, to Scottish BCUK unless we end up with way more people than I am expecting. My real point is that it is my name that is on the booking form so my reputation that will be tarnished if we are less than ideal tenants of the site. From the last meet I have no doubt that we will be shining examples of a well run camp but I just wanted to remind everyone.


Aug 22, 2005
Darkest Scotland,
Hi. I'm new here, (though I have lurked on the forums before), Grooveski's on another forum of which I'm a member and he send me an email about this, Would it be alright for me to come If I can sort out transport, and if my wife lets me out.

I can bring at least one bow (self made bamboo laminate), transport allowing, and some other archery gear and some usable if shot out target faces.

I live in Arbroath, Scotland if anyone can offer advice on buses/trains etc.




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Good points John. I'll have two porta potties, with me so we can have a ladies and a gents. We'll still need to dig a pit though to get rid of the waste (I ain't carrying other people's poo home!).

I have a British Berkfeld expedition ceramic water filter that I'll also bring as well as a dozen or so water containers. Others bring containers if you can, but don't worry too much if space or weight are a problem.

I also have a fifty man HSE approved first aid kit and completed my level two first aid qualification last week, so apart from Doc, there's me can do first aid. How many others are first aid trained (with a current qualification)?

Can anyone bring a fire extinguisher? That might be useful if tents are being used. Who's going up on Friday by the way? An advance party of sorts might not be a bad idea - just to make sure everything is OK, set up the tiolet area, rope off an archery area and such. It makes it easier for when everyone else rolls in so we don't end up asking someone to move their tent because they've pitched it in front of the archery target.

Anyway, just some thoughts.



Aug 9, 2004
moray, scotland
'An advance party of sorts might not be a bad idea '

After a lengthy and indepth family chat, we can start off early friday morning to help with setting up (at last got an archery target). Just tell me what time to arrive and I'll try my best.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
The Achray forest must be one of the best places for bushcraft in the UK. If all goes smoothly then further meets at this venue may be possible so it is in everyone's interest to make it go well and leave the site better than when we found it. Even other people's rubbish will have to be cleared as the FC might think it was us who left it.

In the Antarctic it is common practice to pack out ALL rubbish - even pee and poo, as it doesn't rot! Fortunately we don't need to go to quite those extremes but it part of bushcraft philosophy to 'leave no trace' and this means taking everything home (even biodegradeable stuff like spent matches) and not leaving burnt areas from stoves, etc. Everyone was very careful about this at the last meet and I'm sure this one will be the same. As John says, it is his reputation on the line.

The dynamics of this meet will be a bit different (bigger site, 2-3 times as many people) but this could make it better (more skills to share, for one thing). I wonder if we are now close to an optimum size though?

I'll be there on Friday, probably about 8pm.

Anyone with a PMR 446 walkie talkie: bring it, set it to channel 4, no ctss code.

If I've done the sums right, sunrise will be about 0650 BST and sunset about 1925 BST. There will be a good bit of twilight thereafter and it will also be a full moon. Nevertheless, bring a torch. :)

The first pinkfoot and greylag geese start to arrive in Scotland around the time of the meet, so we may see or hear them.


Sep 29, 2004
Right - I'm convinved I have to get to this meet now - so I'll be there.. just to convince my boss of this!

I'll definitely be up for bow-making, and also for helping anyone with fire-starting as at the last moot. The hazel I got from Sandbenders place should probably be dry enough now for bow drills, so I'll try and bring that, along with hacking apart an old palette next time I see one to make hearths from. That, plus a hundred metres of cord whould be enough for anyone wanting their own set to make one!

I'm also keen to get some more experience with leatherworking, and maybe get some tools (thong cutter, awl, needle-pusher etc) that I saw last time - Eric, if you can get these kind of things from leprevo, I'm sure there'll be plenty of people to barter/buy them off you.

Now to go and book that weekend...


Aug 9, 2005
I'll skip work on the friday afternoon and lend a hand with setup. Haven't done the forest drive in years but remember it as a rather pleasant patch of woodland.
Spare seat from Stirling would be about 1pm.

Here's a to-scale map of the area. Bit blurry as I pinched the tiles off the net but fine for printing and stuffing in a pocket.


Jul 19, 2005
Hamilton, lanarkshire
hi there,
i have a couple of PMR 446 walkie talkies that i can bring along on the saturday night. would i still be able to get into the site around 7pm on saturday? if its ok and not putting anyone out.
also if anyone interested i can bring along a few bits of game meat with me, roe venison haunch, woodpigeon, rabbit. i may also be able to get whole rabbit and show anyone thats interested in how to prepare it ( paunching, skinning etc).



Making memories since '67
jamesoconnor said:
hi there,
i have a couple of PMR 446 walkie talkies that i can bring along on the saturday night. would i still be able to get into the site around 7pm on saturday? if its ok and not putting anyone out.
also if anyone interested i can bring along a few bits of game meat with me, roe venison haunch, woodpigeon, rabbit. i may also be able to get whole rabbit and show anyone thats interested in how to prepare it ( paunching, skinning etc).


Nearer the time I will give out my mobile number to anyone coming so that if the gate is locked they can contact me and I will come open it. If the gate is locked it will be best to come in the out gate as it is much nearer the camp site. It may also be a good idea to give out someone elses mobile number just in case mine is not working or I do not hear it. Best to be someone that will be ther for all the nights. Off the top of my head I am thinking of Doc, Troy, Graham_S or Eric. Doc may be the best choice as he knows the area a little for giving directions but for all I know he may not even have a mobile. Volenteers step forward and we can sort out the details nearer the time.


Feb 27, 2005
Saudi Arabia
well, i'm on the 3 network, so my chances of my phone working are slim, but i think i've got a couple of radios kicking about somewhere. i was planning to get there about friday lunchtime, but work has thrown a spanner in the works so to speak and i might not get there 'till late friday. i will be bringing some IMS with me though (only managed to get about 10-15l though but anyone with a trangia is welcome to help themselves)


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
No problem - I have a mobile and will circulate the number nearer the time, and will also listen out on PMR446 channel 4. I won't be on site till around 8pm Friday though.

Look forward to meeting you all - looks like it's going to be a cracking meet and a major archeryfest.

Graham: 'only 10-15l' - like, enough to fill 40-60 of the wee trangia fuel bottles!


Full Member
Dec 2, 2004

Mrs Neanderthal and I are heading up to Scotland in the morning for 3 weeks getting wet/walking/bushcrafting/canoeing etc. The plan is to head up to Ullapool then spend some time around Glen Affric then the Cairngorms. The weekend we head home is when the meet is and it would be great to be there to dry out around a friendly camp fire if there are still places available.

What are the Midges like up there at the moment?



Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
The midgies are definitely already in decline but not yet gone. Still have bites from a week ago at Loch Earn.

Should be no midgies by the time of the meet, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Just as well, as the Achray Forest can get seriously midgie in early summer.


Aug 14, 2005
i would like to come if i can.
a friend of mine would also like to come but he is not to keen on the hammock part and would like to know if he can use a small tent?

(i have not spent a night in a hammock yet but want to give it a go)


Making memories since '67
big lizard said:
i would like to come if i can.
a friend of mine would also like to come but he is not to keen on the hammock part and would like to know if he can use a small tent?

(i have not spent a night in a hammock yet but want to give it a go)

Hammocks are far from compulsory. I expect most people will be in tents. We could not cope if everyone was in hammocks. Actually we could cope but we would be spread pretty wide. As numbers grow I was just concerned we could not cope if everyone was in a tent but a mixture of tents, hammocks and Bivis should be fine.
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