School,only bushcraft style.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
The weather was warm and dry so todays home schooling was gonna be outside,so bags grabbed we headed out for the forest where a day of fire craft and shelter building was only interupted for plashing in the lake!

heres some pics:

lunch by fishfish_01, on Flickr

DSC04987shelter building lessons by fishfish_01, on Flickr

jacks shelter finished. by fishfish_01, on Flickr

charlie enjoying his lesson. by fishfish_01, on Flickr

great classroom! by fishfish_01, on Flickr

the boys enjoyed it so much school didnt finish till 7pm! great day had,lots of knowledge absorbed,things crafted and memories made.job done.

thanks for looking.


Jun 5, 2013
I was raised in a city. In the forest I feel like a child. They must feel awesome and in awe. Best things to learn there.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
think someone might of failed fire craft though --- nice patch of ground with very high organic content and plenty of roots. Great potential to smoulder away for ages

In one of his other posts FishFish has been more than scrupulous in his description of how he makes sure the fire is out. He's pretty thorough.


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
think someone might of failed fire craft though --- nice patch of ground with very high organic content and plenty of roots. Great potential to smoulder away for ages

It. wouldn't be my first choice of location for a fire pit either. Also the debris shelter is a tad iffy. The rafters should not extend beyond the thatch. Any rain will collect on the sticks poking out and drip on the occupant.

Thatching with Bracken is also not the best as its often full of ticks. Sleeping amongst it is offering the blighters a free lunch. Think of Lymes.

Still the kids look like they're having a ball.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
wel given the shelter was made by a 9 year old i recon its as good as ive seen some adults do.

i am fully aware if the downsides of the dakota fire pit ,just a few yards away is a lake,water is poured in the hole to fill it,it soon soaks away as theres only 4 inches of loam then sand and stones.


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
Correct me if I'm wrong but are a few people missing the point

Kids enjoying the woods

Surly there's no right or wrong way of doing it and casting doubt on the supervising adults practices when they obviously are no newbie is just rude

Looks like a cracking day mr fish and I for one am proud of any achievement that our young bushcrafties achieve

From tiny acorns and all that



Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Correct me if I'm wrong but are a few people missing the point

Kids enjoying the woods

Surly there's no right or wrong way of doing it and casting doubt on the supervising adults practices when they obviously are no newbie is just rude

Looks like a cracking day mr fish and I for one am proud of any achievement that our young bushcrafties achieve

From tiny acorns and all that


i disagree Mouse. The title of the thread is about home schooling education. The debris shelter in its current form would not keep you dry or warm in it was used and siting a fire pit amongst pine is not good practice.

Whilst the OP may be experienced enough to know that and have procedures on place to prevent a uncontrollable fire. Others looking at this thread will not.

I agree there is rarely only one way to do most skills if the result works but the caveat must be is it safe?


Full Member
Apr 26, 2013
i disagree Mouse. The title of the thread is about home schooling education. The debris shelter in its current form would not keep you dry or warm in it was used and siting a fire pit amongst pine is not good practice.

Whilst the OP may be experienced enough to know that and have procedures on place to prevent a uncontrollable fire. Others looking at this thread will not.

I agree there is rarely only one way to do most skills if the result works but the caveat must be is it safe?

I'm struggling with this as I really don't want to get into an arguement regarding teaching styles as I'm clearly batting out of my league
With children letting them play gives them a feel of what works where to find the best materials and what does and does not work as unlike adults keeping an interest is much more difficult if fish manages to teach each of them one small thing each time then in there early adulthood they will undoubtedly have a great bases of skill and will have learned this through play and trial and error
And to be honest I've been out with adults who would of made a lesser shelter

Again I respect your opinion and in part agree with your observations and in differant circumstances ie a adult bushcraft course would be having a differant opinion myself but do honestly feel their learning just in a differant manner than your used to


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
I wish I had been homeschooled when I look at this. If I ever have children I'll do my best to give them homeschool too. Seems ideal.
Great pictures.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I think all this stuff with kids is A1 Special Super; lets have more of it and no doubt we'd all benefit from better adjusted adults, people who can think and do for themselves and have a good knowledge of the world they're in............Three cheers for the Fishes, I say!

Wayne, if one of those boys slept in the shelter you refer to and got cold or wet or both, you can bet your bottom dollar that a) he'd not look for someone else to blame and b) he'd never build a bad shelter again. What better lesson could you give him?......................atb mac


Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
I think all this stuff with kids is A1 Special Super; lets have more of it and no doubt we'd all benefit from better adjusted adults, people who can think and do for themselves and have a good knowledge of the world they're in............Three cheers for the Fishes, I say!

Wayne, if one of those boys slept in the shelter you refer to and got cold or wet or both, you can bet your bottom dollar that a) he'd not look for someone else to blame and b) he'd never build a bad shelter again. What better lesson could you give him?......................atb mac

cheers for the positive comments.

This outing realy did teach them a lot,and they are not going to be sheeple for sure. all 4 of them from charlie at 6 years old to robin at 12 can catch kill and dress small game and fish,with varying degrees of success mind! lol all light fire from spark,to be honest the boys have helped me and mrs fish make very successfull thatched 10 person shelters before now but they only camp under a tarp in their home made hammocks.


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