This topic is deeply rooted to all that is Bushcraft, without our trees we could not do what we love.
Tree's are the substance of it all; they give us life. They are the lungs of the earth and let us breathe.
Tree's create soil and support an endless amount of flora/fauna, they are the core of the ecosystem and something none of us can live without.
Let's stop the idiots of the boardrooms from turning Britain into another Easter Island.
Act now; sign the petition and tell others about this issue.
They could be auctioned and fenced off, run down, logged or turned into golf courses and holiday villages.
We can't let that happen. We need to stop these plans. National treasures like the The Forest of Dean, Sherwood Forest and The New Forest could be sold off. Once they are gone, they will be lost forever.
A huge petition will force the government to rethink its plans. Already 150,000 of us have signed the petition. Please sign the petition."
Further Reading:
Please post here to let me know if you have signed the petition and voice your thoughts on the matter.