Any with the clips on. I had a Snugpak one lying around so I use that. You MUST get the 'daypack' one and not the webbing set one. There is a difference...
Spacemonkey said:Phil, what is that lovely 'little' knife under the axe you have there? Looks quite useful...
spamel said:I'm getting a vibe, fellow serviceman by any chance?!! It's often handy to be able to make up half of the kit by using stuff issued to me, I suppose there has got to be a perk to the job somewhere!! If we asked for woodlore knives as essential bits of kit to be issued for the war on terror, do you think Tony Blair would comply?!!
loz. said:Too_Much_Kit'
Are they Buscuits-Brown i see ??
(do they explain the lack of toilet roll in your bergin ?) lol
Dave Budd said:'seriously dull areas oon the blade' not wrong there! I could only do so much in hte field, really I needed to take it into the workshop and grind a couple of ounces off the edge!
Hope it's working alright for you though.