Thanks for organising this Phil, it was a great weekend.
We had plenty of clean burning firewood to maintain a good sized fire for three nights and much of the daytime with some to spare thanks to Rob L.'s efforts to transport it all.
A good fire and a parachute cover really makes a meet. We only had one bout of rain in time to lull us to sleep on Thursday night and it knocked off before lunch on Friday.
Skippy and the Leggy Birds went down very well as did the Sausage Fest. The mash was rather good even if I did only find the Bisto afterwards, probably best with paper plates really. (Bag of Maris, 1kg sweet pot, tub of sour cream, a load of butter and for next time some cracked pepper.) Dave Budd saved the night by adjusting a SS spatula to a custom Budd built Potato masher using Rob's Saturn 5 rocket set up. The opportunity to own your own shall be made available.
It seems we were donated a new DD XL 3x4.5 Olive tarp by someone, it is difficult to tell but it says something like Mess Kit on the packet!
Highest bidder wins.
Emily and Steve had an annulment due to unresolvable differences from the get go, she was too short regardless of how much we pulled on her. I'm currently working on another offering that comes with straps.