Ref: Volunteers needed @ Chopwell

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Well, what can I say?
I asked for volunteers in this thread:
There was a bit of to'ing and fro'ing but then I went with my original plan, of volunteers, just turning up, on either or both days, as folk preferred.

Saturday came and I met Ken at the classroom, as usual and we waited till 09:35, then I took a run up to the carpark and bumped in to our first volunteer from the forum; Bri30.
We went back down to the classroom and waited till just after 10 and decided that "we three" were "it":rolleyes:

The term; "underwhelmed" sprang immediately to our lips but, unperturbed, we raided the tool store, picked up our willow wands and set off down the meadow.
"The Three Shoveliteer's"

Left to Right: Bri30, yours truly and "Little Ken"
I did not have great expectations of what we might achieve, however, we discussed what we had to do, then got on with the job.
This was the site, first thing:

It was still a bit frozen but we roughly marked out the soil we intended to move and started digging.

Amazingly, while it was damned hard work, we rapidly began to make a major impression;

then we decided it was time for a cuppa, so I ignited the Kelly;

This was just one of several brew ups during the weekend.

We were soon digging and raking again and after only a couple of hours work, the "arena" floor, was as done as it was going to get;

Next we marked out the positions for the willow fencing. As I worked my way round the edge, using a large pry bar or steel spike to make the "post" holes, Brian and Ken followed on, planting a bunch of three wands in each hole then treading them in.
The three wands every 5 feet or so; form stiffeners for the rest of the willow.
Then you plant single wands, following the same direction, twisting them into the others. When you reach the end; you return, planting single wands at the opposite angle or diagonal but actually weave them in, for added stability and strength.

When you look at this picture:

You get a better idea of the scale of the job!

We had a bite to eat and got the Kelly going again. After lunch, we continued;
Soon , we had used up all 120 of our willow wands:

Then we put away the tools and took off for a bit of a scout about;

We took Brian for a wander down the way, to have a look at the riverside

and then made our way back up the hill. We knocked off and arranged to meet again next morning.

We were joined on Sunday by Tony a.k.a.: Peterlee Paddler, he had been "a bit poorly" on Saturday and he had to stop, on the way to Chopwell on Sunday, to eject his breakfast! poor soul looked like death warmed up! Now THATS determination:D

Then, We became.......
The Four Shoveliteers":D

We grabbed the tools again and soon completed the rest of the digging;

Then I suggested that; as I had the required permission and paperwork for firelighting etc, we might as well have a bit of practice:)
So, Ken had a go at using his flint and steel set, he had got from Eric a while ago. I'm nearly sure it's one of Mike Ameling's steels; anyway, in no time flat, Ken had an ember, transferred it to his sisal tinder and was away!

Me, Brian and Tony had a bit of a whittle:
Brian made what I think was a letter opener ( feel free to correct!)

While I knocked a couple of tent pegs up one with my Wildlife hatchet and the other;with my BG Bushcrafter and Tony had a go with my SS Clipper.

We had a little bite to eat then, once again; gathered the tools, damped the fire and after stashing the tools back in the store, set off for another wander, to finish the day.

We took a slightly different route this time but still ended up by the river;

It was up a couple of feet, from 24hrs or so previously and was full of silt.
Tony, had collected a free carrier bag, ( donated, by some kind hearted soul, by leaving it lying, on the side of the track:rolleyes: ) which came in handy; for carrying some nice thick, deadwood birch bark and a polypore, as well as several empty plastic bottles ( again donated by "nature lovers")
He seemed quite chuffed with it mind you::)

Then we set off back up the hillside to the classroom and then home again.

I'd like to thank Ken, Brian and Tony for coming along, as well as ALL those, who took an interest and for whatever reason, couldn't make it.;) As it was; we managed quite well.

I'd also like to thank a few other folk if I may;
F.o.C.W., the Forestry Commission ( Kielder District) Leanne Shipley (F.C. Ranger) Rob, Leanne's husband, who actually picked up our willow for us:drive: Paul & Carol Fountain, for all sorts of stuff (including f/aid cover)and showing a genuine interest:beerchug:

I hope we can do more of this sort of stuff in future, there are always numerous tasks and events running within the wood and if you wan to join us; just check out the F.o.C.W. website:)

Thanks again and I'm sorry if this is a bit boring for some and tedious to load for anyone on dial up:eek:
best wishes


Apr 30, 2008
Fife, Scotland
Well done to all involved, is a bit far for me for a day trip, i would have maybe tagged along with Stephen if he had room? maybe next time.


rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I humbly appologise, :eek: To be perfectly frank I forgot all about it, no excuse I know.


Don't worry! there really is, no need for anyone to feel guilty!:)
The fact that we couldn't do any camping this time, made it impossible for most of the folk, who might otherwise have been able to make it.
As far as being forgetful;
I forgot to sort out first aid cover till a few days before.
I forgot the milk.
I forgot to phone the fire service and had to ask Paul Fountain to do it on my behalf.
I forgot to ask the lads from the bike club, if they might like to give a hand ( amazing diggers, fueled on red bull and pasties:D )
I honestly never expected anyone to come from more than maybe 30 miles away?

So please; no apologies are necessary from anyone;) (Ha! I actually managed to spell "necessary" right, first go!)

Dec 18, 2008
Hi Steve.
Ive just logged-on to post on the original thread when I found this one so, thanks for giving your time and it was most enjoyable
I'm surprised that more peeps didn't show but all was well in the end
As for those 'nature lovers', I'd like to meet them and personally thank them by returning their empties to a location of my choice;- the words 'sun/don't shine' spring to mind
Hello again to Ken and Bri
See you's next time

BTW, why do these smilies only work for the title and not the message ? I'll figure it out one day ...


Dec 21, 2007
Chester Le Street
Hi Steve , Ken , Tony

It was good to meet up and make some new friends.

Commiserations to those who couldn't make it, it was a good weekend.

Most importantly I managed to get a new thumbstick ;)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.