2024 Bushcraft Goals


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
How are your goals coming along? Accountability time!

Well, we've started Offa's Dyke path but sadly not made much progress on anything else :(

We gave away two nights in out shepherd's hut as a prize draw to raise money for the Habitats Management Group and the winner is staying down this weekend - but that doesn't count as using it :(


Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
Well mine isn’t that hard - to camp in all four seasons. I’m well on schedule :)

To carve a link - this is surprisingly difficult. Not because I lack the skill ( I have yet to discover this) but because I have so many things that I want to do and I am blissfully undisciplined.


Full Member
Jul 28, 2021
South Wales
How are your goals coming along? Accountability time!
Pretty well so far, still have a positive balance in the account from what I have sold so far in comparison to what I have spent. Feels pretty good as well and hoping to have enough to take the family away for a weekend break (in the UK) in the summer half term.


Feb 18, 2023
Some progress making bits of kit - a couple of saami-style pouches and pocket "ouch pouches" in my first attempts at leatherwork. Not necessarily pretty but functional, and I'm learning plenty about what not to do!


Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
There were a few days in March where you could've done that on the same day. :)
Did that! 13 - 15 March.

I might amend to every two months and go for monthly. It’s certainly no hardship if I can find sites.


Full Member
I've been managing to get a few "projects" done. It's been a little difficult until a week or so ago due to the weather.

Amongst others...
This is baking in a Billy on a Firebox Stove. The Zebra Billy Tin baking kit includes a piece of shaped wire to help keep coals on top of the billy for baking. I've found that one can't put many coals on the top and it's a little precarious keeping them there. This is my mod using the wire to hold a foil container on top so I can pile a good few coals there. It makes it easier to open and close the door (lid) in situ without losing the coals on top.


Pizza cooked in cast iron frying pan.



Baked potato in the Firebox Dutch Oven with sausages in the Skillet, on briquettes, and stir-fried veg on wood.



Full Member
Sep 23, 2022
I've been managing to get a few "projects" done. It's been a little difficult until a week or so ago due to the weather.

Amongst others...
This is baking in a Billy on a Firebox Stove. The Zebra Billy Tin baking kit includes a piece of shaped wire to help keep coals on top of the billy for baking. I've found that one can't put many coals on the top and it's a little precarious keeping them there. This is my mod using the wire to hold a foil container on top so I can pile a good few coals there. It makes it easier to open and close the door (lid) in situ without losing the coals on top.

View attachment 88071

Pizza cooked in cast iron frying pan.

View attachment 88072

View attachment 88073

Baked potato in the Firebox Dutch Oven with sausages in the Skillet, on briquettes, and stir-fried veg on wood.

View attachment 88074
View attachment 88075
Good work! That all looks very tasty. I am particularly impressed by the pizza!


Jan 17, 2014
My goal Is over a couple of years but itsto increase my nights outside from 100 to 200 - just completed another 4 nights and a couple more planned is a few weeks :)
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my goal for this year (actually several years but somehow always something came in-between...) was to climb a mountain. a week ago (after plenty of hassle during preparation) i finally took off -- sadly i didn't reach my goal: #1 what the map marked as a dirt road part of the way turned out to be a muddy pack horse track (with all of Costa Rica's bloodsucking insects waiting for me), so it took me much longer than planned to reach my "jump-off point". #2 my shoes caused a nasty infection on my ankle so i decided to head back (smart move as my right hoof is still swollen and infected)
nonetheless i had a good time and quote the Governator: "i'll be back!" (next year)

apart from that i'm focusing on practising my skills, work on my gear and tey to learn more about the jungle and it's uses :)


Oct 22, 2020
Well... I'm currently working all day every day until at least the 17th of July, so seeing some sort of sunshine or outdoors would be quite a pleasant goal :lol:

My goals at some point, perhaps I should stamp that they be completed this year, but I won't hold my breath are more hiking/camping based... I'd like to do North to South Dartmoor.

WE would also like to get the train from ours into Cornwall, then walk the South west coast path + camping back to ours.

I also have a spoon I started carving years ago and doing bits now and again, and I'd like to finish that - But I tend to reserve that for doing when I'm out and about for relaxation, rather than a "must finish".

Although aside from work any walking/hiking is currently on hold as wife has a dodgy knee and doggo has a dodgy paw :rolleyes: haha


Full Member

I'd not really come across it before but the Parchment Paper stops food from sticking to the pan, and saves on the washing-up - a good bonus when one is out in the wilds somewhere! My batch of paper will cope with temps. (oven or otherwise) up to 230ºC.


Full Member
I'd love to see how you folded the parchment paper to make the pot.
+1 on this, more details/thread/tutorial required!
I followed the link originally from the Firebox Stove Kickstarter Project for the 5-Way Cookset. This is the actual link for the paper folding instructions:

If you want to make them for other shaped-and-sized rectangular-ish pots and pans, the general formula for the paper size needed I've determined is
Width (of paper) = Width of Pan + 2 x (2 x Height of side) [This doubling is what seems to give the rigidity to the structure.]
Length of paper = Length of Pan + 2 x Height of side

Height of side can be the height of the side of the pot or, if you want the sides of the paper container to stick a cm or two above the edge of the pot, include that extra in the calcs.

Once you've made a couple they're only 2-3 minutes to make. Once you've got it sussed you could just take a few sheets of appropriately sized Parchment Paper to camp with you and fold when you need one, rather than making in advance.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.