recommend me a good outdoorsy film

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Ah well they've already been mentioned, but it would have to be Jeremiah Johnson or the Northwest Passage for me all the way .... even 'persuaded' the missus to watch Johnson the other week, and despite her protestations she loved it! And as for Northwest Passage I'm still just waiting for it to be released on region 2 DVD!!!

I almost forgot, perhaps one of the greatest 'unknown' outdoorsy films I've ever seen .... "Dersu Uzala" based on a true story about a Russian explorer who comes across a grizzled old hunter .... absolutely outstanding!!!!!!!!

Northwest Passage
Nobody ever mentions 'Man in the Wilderness'. Jim Bridger was but a boy when Hugh Glass was knocking around.
It's a true story and a remarkable feat of survival. The other films pale into comparison.
Actually Bushwacker, I did mention Man in the Wilderness in my post! It is one of my favorite films. I have read a couple of books about Hugh Glass and as far as I can tell the movie pretty well sticks to the facts.

Frederick Manfried's "Lord Grizzly" is I think, the best book. Another good one is Robert McClung's Hugh Glass, Mountain Man: Left for Dead.

The distance that this man crawled is incredible. I forget the actual mileage but it was just unbelievable.

Ironically, after his survival of the Grizzly attack and avoiding hostile Indians, he was killed on the Yellowstone River by some Arikara. His fate was not unlike most of the participants of the fur trade. Most mountain men were dead by middle age or sooner. Disease, drownings, falls, animal attacks, accidental shootings, and of course Indians all played a major role in their early demise.

I agree it is a great film and Richard Harris is terrific in it.
Actually Bushwacker, I did mention Man in the Wilderness in my post! .

Just downloaded it onto the Itouch for some quality watching when I'm bored. Looks good. Harris is brilliant in nearley everthing and I'm hoping this is no different.

Cheers for the suggestion.
DOG SOLDIERS;..a film mixing brittish squadies,the scottish highlands ( although it was filmed in luxembourg) & warewolves.
VERTICAL LIMIT; an outdoorsy film from start to finish, an action packed movie with mountain climbing as it's central theme, stunning landscapes, heart stopping suspense, shameless product placements, & some cool rucksacks.
Both these films can be seen on youtube at the moment.

THE PROPOSITION ; if you like your outdoors hot, dry, dirty & brutal then this is the flick for you......It's set in 19th century Australia.
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Recently watched "The Way Back", a fairly new release I think.

Based (however loosley ?) on 3 men who walked down out of the Himalayas into India during the war. They'd escaped from a prison camp in Northern Siberia, over 4000 miles of walking and surviving.


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