just a thought? you use a solution in an old washing up bottle under the water, and you pour this or squirt it ? under the water?
Yes mate very easy to do with an old well washed out washing up liquid bottle.
The depressions left by the Spoots are easier to find while snorkelling there's only a couple of foot of water under me at the most.
And the reason for the washing up liquid bottle is you can poke the nozzle right in the depression and squeeze,then flip the lid back over again so your solution doesn't become too diluted by the sea water re-entering the bottle to fill the void.
The super salt concentrate irritates the spoots and they begin to rise just as they would above the tide line but they are much easier to extract from their burrows as the sand they are trying to cling to acts more like a liquid,so they can't get a good hold with their foot.
You also get a much better quality and size of spoot snorkelling, cos everything else (foragers included) more or less pass them up as they are permantly under water.
Mike B...
Might as well add now I've given away my secrets is at £6.50 a pound on Leeds market which equates to about 7-8 Spoots I thought there had to be a way people were collecting these on a semi commercial basis that was easier than walking around above the tide line.I was put in touch with a Scots guy who actually dives for them among other things,so hence the snorkelling came into being.
And the only reason I snorkel now is for food for free!!.
Mike B...