I would take anything that BKCG say with a big pinch of salt!!! Their steel descriptions are off the mark by a bit, very subjective and full of most missleading info!!!
I would like to say :tapedshut:.
There is no such thing as "Surgical Grade Steel" Anyone who tells you otherwise is fibbing, at least, it is no guide to steel quality, some totally useless blade steels are used in surgical tools because of other properties.
To make claim that 440A and D2 are in the same class is :rolmao: ! Totally different steels, D2 is significantly better than 440A and when treated right, better than 440C too. 440A is not a hard steel, it is cheap and highly stain resistant.
Carbon steel can be treated to be hugely tougher than nearly any stainless, only the particle metalurgy steels start to come close.
Zillions of people have been shaved with carbon steel for years, stainless is not sharper as BKCG table would suggest.
Damasus today is not as good as the super clean pure carbon and stainless steels and the stainless stuff is no better than the constituent materials that it is made from.
I could go on, but it would be pointless.