I'm not too worried about it myself, I don't think it's an iminant scenario, but it dawned on me, unless you were actualy listening to the radio or watching TV, you probably wouldn't know a thing about it, and for those in the hit zone, panic would only last a few minutes, and it wouldn't matter how fast you moved, it would be useless.
I'm just wondering how, with massive infrastructure destruction, and the resultant panic of the rest, what plans any area has, or is Britain just going to do a titanic impression.

Do we know what to do?
Are medications in place in your area?
I do know our local chemist has no potassium iodide in stock and not planning to get any, ( and I am aware of its limited use.)
I'm just curious as to what local areas have planned. I shall be contacting both my local and county to ask them what they have in place so that hopefully, I can be prepared for myself and able to help others...providing I'm not vaporised!
People should be prepared to a point, and to at least know whether they are on their own or not.
I'm not having a massive wobble about it, but it came up in conversation with another friend, who asked me what would happen here, should the worst happen. I had no idea.