Preparing for troubled times ahead - Advice on what is needed.....

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I like the idea of the alarmed padlock from Halfords, but they get very mixed reviews on the website.

Getting the batteries inserted is a pain! But once done, they are fine. No problems with the two I've got. One on the bike, and a new one on the back gate.
If they stop working, they need new batteries!
Are you charging a powerstation or a battery with a charge controller?

You can get smaller wattage panels, and connect them in different formations.

It all depends on the system being charged, its operational V(voltage) and I(current). You can over panel with wattage, but need to stay within the voltage and current, some will allow over and take what they need, others may go bang. It depends on the MPPT being used
It's an EcoFlow Delta Max. I'll sit down with the manual and spec. and a calculator again and see what I (think I) can do.

I think any padlock that has easy access for the liberal application of some kinetic force is going to fair pretty badly.

Only way around that seems to be have the lock mechanism shrouded in a protective hard shell.

And that is a significant expense and additional structure in itself.
Just about any padlock can be breached with the right technique.
So perhaps we shouldn't bother at all with them, and gives theives easy access at all times, and put the money saved into a couple of beers instead.
I have two and have had them for many years, they do work against casual intruders...or chancers, so they do protect your property to some degree. If you want unbreachable security, perhaps a night watchman on 24 hr duty is what you need.
No padlock is invincible, and promoting vids that show you how to get round security measures isn't very responsible is it?
The one now on my back entry gate isn't accessible from the outside, so they would have to climb the gate to access it, setting it off. It's about how you use them. I'd never have a padlock on the outside of the gate as its an open invite.
The one on the bike is extra to the other security measures that are more obvious, consequently, they will go for them first, again, setting off the alarm before they have finished attempting to get through the first locks.
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It’s responsible to show how poor quality something is when people might think it’s a better option. I think it’s irresponsible to promote a flawed product and also I doubt thieves are browsing BCUK for techniques to circumvent them.

So what is the better option?
So far there has only been slating of my suggestion ,but no alternative suggestions.
I use this padlock, and I like it. It works well for me. If you have a better solution let's hear it!
I don't have oodles of money to spend on all singing and dancing systems. I did say it's a cheap solution, and as with all cheap solutions there are going to be limitations to its efficacy.
I have never suggested that any member would be hunting these pages to get ideas on how to steal from others, but, can you guarantee me that casual viewers who are not registered users of this site, may not be so ethical? After all, we do sometimes get people exploiting the sales threads to con members with buying or selling items, that's why we have the mods to winkle them out.
Not everyone can be trusted, especially nowadays with these difficult times.
I offered a cheap solution, nothing more. I have found them effective. Don't buy one if you don't want to, but please don't slate me for it.
I simply intended to give those, like myself, that can't afford the bells and whistles a simple cheap solution.
Every system has a work round for those with less than benign intentions, non is infallible, or theft would be non existent. so it's courses for horses.
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So what is the better option?
So far there has only been slating of my suggestion ,but no alternative suggestions.
I use this padlock, and I like it. It works well for me. If you have a better solution let's hear it!
I don't have oodles of money to spend on all singing and dancing systems. I did say it's a cheap solution, and as with all cheap solutions there are going to be limitations to its efficacy.
I have never suggested that any member would be hunting these pages to get ideas on how to steal from others, but, can you guarantee me that casual viewers who are not registered users of this site, may not be so ethical? After all, we do sometimes get people exploiting the sales threads to con members with buying or selling items, that's why we have the mods to winkle them out.
Not everyone can be trusted, especially nowadays with these difficult times.
I offered a cheap solution, nothing more. I have found them effective. Don't buy one if you don't want to, but please don't slate me for it.
I simply intended to give those, like myself, that can't afford the bells and whistles a simple cheap solution.
Every system has a work round for those with less than benign intentions, non is infallible, or theft would be non existent. so it's courses for horses.
I think you've done all you can with what you have- ultimately that's all anyone can do.

The padlock on the inside not the outside, so need to climb over to get in. Like you said if you hear them then that's what you were aiming for, but please stay safe if there's ever a confrontation, it's not worth it.

It's only going to be a deterrent, or at least make them move on- I was always told it doesn't matter what you have, as long as you make their life harder to access, the liklihood is that they will go to another place with less security.

In reality I have seen daylight gang raids, catalytic convertors stolen off vehicles on the drive in daylight, robberies and burglaries, safe to say if the opportunity is there they will take it.
In regards to the video, it's on YouTube, along with lockpicking advice and so on, so it can all be found online not just on here, but I think it was more so pointing out the flaws. Most padlocks can be struck with a hammer and opened, or with enough force, but that doesn't stop us buying and using them.
The trick is to make the padlock as awkwardly sited as possible for any attempt at breaking it, but still accessible for the key.....and a key is 'generally' a lot shorter than the lock picks.

Honestly, if someone is so determined to steal, then only discouragement works.
Sticky stuff, cat prickly pads, wheel clamps, chains ....keep them tight, you can break any chain if you can twist it....lock boxes, bins put in the way, random piles of bricks, thorny's been an issue since the first days of 'civilisation'.
In regards to the video, it's on YouTube, along with lockpicking advice and so on, so it can all be found online not just on here, but I think it was more so pointing out the flaws. Most padlocks can be struck with a hammer and opened, or with enough force, but that doesn't stop us buying and using them.
Yep, absolutely. Looking at it, it’s a poor quality padlock. Pays to research before and it’s good to educate.
In regards to the video, it's on YouTube, along with lockpicking advice and so on, so it can all be found online not just on here, but I think it was more so pointing out the flaws. Most padlocks can be struck with a hammer and opened, or with enough force, but that doesn't stop us buying and using them.

Absolutely! I do not know of any padlock that cannot be opened by either lock picking tools or brute force, so it's only ever going to be a deterrent.
Mind you, if I had had this padlock on my back gate a few weeks ago, I may not have had my gas bottle stolen, as they would have had to at least use the gate as hand support to climb over the fence, so would have set it off, and alerted me.
As it was, it was a totaly silent heist, as far as not being alerted in the night by anything while asleep.

This has its place. But , I agree, that it will not stop ... and nothing will stop ....a determined scumbag.
All we can do, is the best we can, with what we have, or can afford, and I hope that people won't be put off by the nay sayers. They are a good line of defence, and if sited properly, and used properly can be a good solution.
I use them in such a way, as they can't be seen, untill they have been activated. That is the key to them being useful, not as a full on in view deterrant.
As a primary lock on a garden shed, maybe not quite so good, but as I said, nobody has actualy posted a better system for the money, just poo pooed it, and said its useless. I wonder if they have actualy tried the product, like I have?
I've used one on the bike for about 9 years, it was police recommended after a vandal attack on the bike, never had one since, it's activated twice in the early months of that time despite a camera, giving warning that someone was fiddling, and they ran! damage and nothing since by the way. ( touch wood!)
Useless??? Not for me!
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Yep, absolutely. Looking at it, it’s a poor quality padlock. Pays to research before and it’s good to educate.

So what would you recommend?

I would be realy interested in a positive recommendation rather than knocking something you have no actual experience of, and just watched a few you tube vids on.

I have top grade, blooming expensive locks and chains with ground anchor and camera to protect the bike, I still use this as an audible warning/deterrent.
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We've put cheapo(ish) padlocks on the sheds,and put solar pir lights round and about,three bikes are all padlocked together in garage,i am under no illusion that if anyone wants to get in they will,but any visual deterrant is better than none,oh, and the dogs bark if anyone is around at night.
So what would you recommend?

I would be realy interested in a positive recommendation rather than knocking something you have no actual experience of, and just watched a few you tube vids on.

I have top grade, blooming expensive locks and chains with ground anchor and camera to protect the bike, I still use this as an audible warning/deterrent.

Personally I'd use what you have.
No disrespect to stew intended but im yet to see an affordable lock that is better than any other.
If it can't be hit, it can be picked.
And all can be ground off with a portable cheap angle grinder that seems to be a common tool of the trade now. Chains, hasps, wire ropes, there all a deterrent not a prevention.

Just make it as much of a task as possible for any scally!
I enjoy the lock picking lawyers videos, but realistically all he does is show that pretty much nothing is impenetrable.

I remember he did a video where he has built his own door locks which will jam themselves if they try to get picked and that way he knows he's been targeted... I asked my locksmith mate whether he's done anything and he laughed and said "fk no... all I need to do is make my place a little bit more secure than the next place along."
He followed it up with "there are two types of thieves, those who are targeting you because of a specific item, or those that are opportunists... If they're opportunists, then just make it relatively difficult and they'll move on. If they're targeting you, there is nothing you can really do, they'll arrive with all the right tools, know exactly what they're there to steal and that'll be the end of it."

He has an expensive bicycle which he padlocks inside with a motorbike chain and padlock... he said if they get through that then they can have the damn thing.

@woodygirl seems to me that what you've done is just make it that little bit more difficult for the average thief which hopefully should deter them from the quick pinch! But a determined thief won't be perturbed because they'll have the required tools...
So I think you've done all you can do.

One more thing he said when we were discussing security: "you can have the most gucci locks on your doors, but it'll only take one f****r with a brick to go through the window!" :lol:
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