My quickest money saving tip was learning to joint a chicken.
My scan reading saw that as "learning to joint children".
I couldn't eat a whole one.
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My quickest money saving tip was learning to joint a chicken.
My scan reading saw that as "learning to joint children".
I couldn't eat a whole one.
3) Place a bottle inside your toilet cistern, this displaces the water and fools the float ball into thinking it's fuller than it is.
I've used 1L Robinsons squash bottle so we save a litre every time we flush, it's not a lot but it all counts.
25kg of spuds down here is £4 but thats a lot of potatoes to eat before they turn etc.
Something I've pondered for a while, what's cheaper to do - heat an amount of water to boiling in the kettle or on the gas hob? I'm guessing the kettle as there's less wasted heat whereas the gas hob has heat escaping round the side but it is a guess.
Anyone know?
If you don't have access to land for growing your own veg, consider any of the following;
Ask a neighbour if you can use their garden as well as yours - share the crops.
Befriend an elderly neighbour and use their garden - share the crops.
Rent an allotment or if you are semi rural, ask a farmer to rent a corner of a field.
Perform "guerrilla gardening" in roadside verges, middles of round-a-bouts, little used woodland clearings. A handful of seeds go a long way, its just up to you to remember where you planted them all.
As for workshop space, speak to people, find friends with similar interests and use their facilities, pay them in trade with whatever you make or take the milk for the days brews, there is always a way.
Ogri the trog
If you don't have access to land for growing your own veg, consider any of the following;
Ask a neighbour if you can use their garden as well as yours - share the crops.
Befriend an elderly neighbour and use their garden - share the crops.
Rent an allotment or if you are semi rural, ask a farmer to rent a corner of a field.
Perform "guerrilla gardening" in roadside verges, middles of round-a-bouts, little used woodland clearings. A handful of seeds go a long way, its just up to you to remember where you planted them all.
As for workshop space, speak to people, find friends with similar interests and use their facilities, pay them in trade with whatever you make or take the milk for the days brews, there is always a way.
Ogri the trog