Potential ban to wild camping on Dartmoor.

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I've just read that and kind of cringed.

The Duchy of Cornwall owns most of Dartmoor though, so one can hope that they'll keep the present open access. We'll see. I don't think the irresponsible few who leave the place trashed though help anything.
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The battle may be lost but the war isn't. These hedge fund landowners are nothing but tyrannical oligarchs who make laws to protect themselves not the environment or the peace. Land reform is long overdue, the larger estates in national parks need to be in public ownership under the national trust or similar bodies.
The battle may be lost but the war isn't. These hedge fund landowners are nothing but tyrannical oligarchs who make laws to protect themselves not the environment or the peace. Land reform is long overdue, the larger estates in national parks need to be in public ownership under the national trust or similar bodies.

It's a good point but are you/we prepared to pay for it? The money just isn't there. To be honest, there isn't enough money to manage it properly (or there wouldn't be a problem) let alone buy it.
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It's a good point but are you/we prepared to pay for it? The money just isn't there. To be honest, there isn't enough money to manage it properly (or there wouldn't be a problem) let alone buy it.
Well I expect you could use a progressive land tax system and inheritance taxes for major landowners as a nudge towards giving up the land into the national trust. Just make it too expensive for them to hold onto land that is not being used for industrial and agricultural use.
Both exmoor and dartmoor are cash strapped. They are selling off land and making many redundancies. I've been speaking to my local exmoor park Ranger today about this.
One idea I've had, may sound silly but....why don't we all...irrespective of whether we want to wild camp on dartmoor or not, (lending support to those who do)...inundate the people who brought this action with phone calls and/or emails asking for permission to wildcamp on the land.
Tie them up with stuff they don't want to deal with for a couple of months and it might press home the idea how unpopular they are going to be going forward.
As tresspass is a civil offence, a mass camp out, and cost them money to prosecute.
I'm up for it.
Any more ideas? We can't just sit home and moan while all our freedoms are taken away by the rich landowning few.
The (sad) reality is that the minority who camp out to have parties and leave a mess probably won’t stop.
I doubt they will even be aware of the change in the law as they probably weren’t aware of the right to camp anyway!
The battle may be lost but the war isn't. These hedge fund landowners are nothing but tyrannical oligarchs who make laws to protect themselves not the environment or the peace. Land reform is long overdue, the larger estates in national parks need to be in public ownership under the national trust or similar bodies.
We can all do a mass trespass il be up for it
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OK, I do not think the organising of such an event is either in the spirit or the rules of this forum!

I never meant to suggest it was organised through the forum. I'm sure there is properly organised resistance being planned somewhere. Just trying to get people thinking instead of accepting it with a shrug and oh well, it's not in my area so I won't bother to do or say anything.
It will be the thin end of the wedge otherwise, and it's a step backwards in our rights and freedoms to responsibly enjoy our land.
There are still areas where you can still wild camp, you are advised to get the owners permission, in some cases, but there is still common land where you can still camp for 2 nights max, as long as you walk or ride a horse to where you are camping.
It has always been the case, that large groups camping has never been allowed on Dartmoor, so a mass protest of this sort is not advisable, the Govt and National parks are considering an appeal against the ruling.
The thing to watch here, is if one landowner gets away with this, then they will all do the same.
The thing is, one wealthy landowner wins a case, and others will follow, shrinking the areas that are available.
Dartmoor Park authority can't afford to fight this any further in court. They are making redundancies as it is, and considering selling more land. Potentially restricting even more areas.
Stand back, and watch the slow creep.


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