Post Office Refusing to post PenKnife


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Yes, airmail thats why I use courier.

Is that not just on air freight? I thought it was okay to send a cleaned out stove out by boat, is that not the case now?

I had an Optimus No.5 arrive in domestic mail last week, the sender had left an amount of paraffin in the stove and the pressure release valve open >insert own suitable profanity here< . Obviously the fuel had leaked and the parcel stunk to high heaven and left me amazed that it'd actually made it through the system ~ the poor postie was really glad to be shot of it and really shouldn't have had to deal with it.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I tell them tools too.

I think a lot of these rules are in because of the idiots who do not package things properly, thus causing hazard to the PO...Who can blame them?


Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
I spoke to the Post Office help line earlier and they said (after a pregnant pause) that knifes can be sent but they need to be packed correctly. The only restrictions are on illegal knives like butterfly, flick, knuckle duster, etc. Basically if its illegal to own in the UK then its not allowed to be sent by the Post Office.

I explained to him why I was asking and he said that if a post office refuses to send a knife that is not included on the prohibited list then a complaint should be lodged with RM customer services dept. The more complaints made about a particular PO the quicker action will be taken rectify the issue and to retrain/ advise the staff.


Jan 18, 2008
Don't get me started on the post office, our local one is guarded by two old battleaxes whose sole purpose in life seems to be to turn away as much business as possible and, if they really have to accept it, then make it as akward as possible.The funniest thing is they are joined on Saturdays by a young teenage girl and they have clearly taught her all they know! She is the most grumpy and obstructive of them all!


Aug 11, 2010
North West
I get this all the time. I started saying "its a rainbow and bag of wishes" "star dust and a cloud" but they don't accept that and make snide remarks how I'm "hiding something" and being secretive etc... In the end I just say Universal metal framing. I do find it awkward when they keep asking me and its say a deactivated AK-47 with a deactivation certificate going to a collector. I just know if I tell them the truth they would raise alarm and cause a nuisance for over reactive over something perfectly legal. I may use the sex toy story next time, although when its 1 metre long and weights 30KG that may make me look sus.


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Right! :rolleyes::mad:

Last night I sent the Post Office an email on their customer complaints form here:


We want to hear what you think about the Post Office®. Your comments and complaints help us improve our service.

I received an email back saying:

Thank you for your email.

Please note that all enquiries and complaints concerning the delivery of mail items are handled by Royal Mail, please use the link below to contact Royal Mail's customer service via their website.
If for any reason this route is unavailable, please use and select 'Contact us' at the bottom left of the webpage and then click on, Send Royal Mail Customer Services an email.

So the Post Office redirected me to the Royal Mail.

I called the Royal Mail at 9:23.

Takes roughly 4-5 minutes of babble from an automated service, and a few options, before you finally you get through to the question, please be sure you choose the appropriate specialist complaints mail handling service.

Another one of 3 options. Then asked me if I will take part in a survey.

Then put me on hold for 10 minutes, automated service telling me we are receiving a large number of calls at the moment.
Please hold.
I explain the situation carefully and succinctly to the woman who answers the phone.

Who is a representative of Royal Mail.
She listens then tells me I need to speak to someone at the Post Office. I can put you straight through to them.

[I ask her why the PO directed me to the RM then? No idea]

Which she does.
Another [nice sounding lady] answers the phone from the Post Office.
I explain the situation, as per my OP again.

She says &#8220;I don&#8217;t know whether penknives are restricted or not. I honestly don&#8217;t know what royal mails restrictions are. I work at the post office.&#8221;

I have a pleasant conversation with her, and she tells me that postmistress, at the branch i visited yesterday could have rung the helpline who would have that information in front of them.

I explained I wanted it sent recorded, so I can make sure its arrived. She said if it doesn&#8217;t arrive, I need to speak to the Royal Mail, not the Post Office.
But they wouldn&#8217;t be able to help as I have no proof of postage.

We then went over another couple of points we had already covered, then she suddenly asks, are you sure it wasn&#8217;t a flick knife.


Because the woman at the royal mail who put you through to me, told me it was a flickknife&#8230;.

[no idea why the woman at the RM apparently lied on purpose? Too few brain cells perhaps?
She was a native English speaking woman I spoke to, at the Royal mail, and i very carefully and succinctly explained, as per my OP, that it was a penknife, and not a flick knife, which was perfectly legal. She didnt sound confused]

Anyway, nice woman at post office, said she would report it to area manager, who would have a word with the people at that PO branch.

She was in the middle of asking me for my postcode, when the line went dead&#8230;&#8230;..


When did it become par for the course to have to spend such ridiculously inordinate amount of time dealing with this kind of sh**?
With your ISP, or your bank, or the Inland Revenue, or your mobile phone provider, or your utilities company, or your PC manufacturer, or the NHS, round and round in circles etc. Sorting out probems they've created. It seems to be constant. Its literally becoming a full time job!

I mean Ive spent entire mornings, having to sort stuff which Is nothing to do with me, when I should be working. Ugh. Full on Brain Dump.

End of thread for me.

Someone please burn the country down, lets start again.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I was going to tell you what i recieved in the post this morning mate but sounds like you have had a bad enough day as it is :lmao:

Antler is all sawn up and I will be posting this afternoon bud, sorry its not been before but not been able to get out.


Sep 6, 2010
The moral of this tale is that the Post Office and Royal Mail are two separate organisations who clearly don't talk to each other or work for the common good of their joint customers.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
The moral of this tale is that the Post Office and Royal Mail are two separate organisations who clearly don't talk to each other or work for the common good of their joint customers.
Yup, you often find communications companies don't communicate. It's an irony.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.