photography equipment and the moot


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
hiya all

just to let you know that i have just baught a Nikon D3000 with case and standed lens and a 4 gig mem card

now then i am also coming to the moot and want to bring my camara cos want to do cobwebs photography workshops due to wanting to get in to landscape photography

Now i know it wont go missing cos nothing ever does at the moot (touching wood) but in regards to the sandy soil and the heavy welsh rain is the anything i should do before hand or know to help me keep my camera safe and working

cheers drew

ps mods just realised this could be in the wrong section ooops sorry please feel free to move it if you want


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
Did you had a look at those Pelican cases Drew?

This is a model that popped up on Google: if look closely you see on either side (next to the handle) an eye which you could use to lock it.

If you add a wirecable & padlock, you can secure it to a tree - better save than sorry ;)
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First of all, avoid removing the lens in a sand or dust environment. As you only have the one, there should be no reason to take the lens off anyway but the last thing you want is sand inside the camera.

Keep the camera in a bag or case of some kind and then keep that somewhere dry. I usually use a dry bag big enough for the whole camera bag if I am in any doubt.

As far as security is concerned, it's best stored in your vehicle if that is an option, or a metal box chained to a tree, but the best security is no one knowing it is there in the first place.

I usually secure my gear in a metal safe secured in my immobilised van if it's not with me. It wouldn't stop a determined thief but it does reduce the chances somewhat.

It is false security to suppose that nothing could go missing at the moot because, unlikely as we hope it may be, it only takes one person to decide they are going to equip themselves at other peoples expense, to turn a happy, friendly festival type atmosphere into a security nightmare.

Unfortunately I've seen it happen at events even smaller than this and although Tony and the team will obviously do their best under the circumstances, They cannot in any way be expected to take any responsibility for unsecured valuables.

Many of us are basically strangers to each other and although we have formed a remarkable virtual community, it is an illusion to suppose that elements of our wider society are not just as likely to be within our numbers at the moot as anywhere else.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.