Out and About Foraging!

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (29th July - 10th August) available until April 6th, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
John Fenna paid me a visit yesterday, and when he arrived we went into Haverfordwest for a bit of Urban Foraging and a bit of haggling at the local Army Surplus store.(The haggling was very successful!)
After the rather unsuccessful urban foraging in the charity shops we decided to go to my local woods and have a look around, this turned out to be alot better with us finding quite a number of different types of fungi (although we didn't identify any!:eek: ) including a massive polypore on a very old beech tree. We also had a look at an old badger set and we found signs of otter in the form of it's scat.
Unfortunately neither of us had a camera so I'm afraid there are no photos this time.

On the way back to my house, we passed a field of Cat Tails of which I harvested half a dozen for John. A little further up the country lane is an old broken down mansion of sorts that dates back to King Henry VIII, this is where John spotted a large amount of sloes in the hedgerow and you guessed it we harvested about 1lb of the fruits for John to make his beloved Sloe Gin.
On looking around the old ruins we found a couple of different types of fungi including King Alfred's Cakes and some polypores.

We finally got back to my house and I showed John an old tree just around the corner that is covered in old and large Horse Hoof fungus and also a large species of polypore.
A very satisfactory day in my view and this morning I went and harvested about 1.6Kg of sloes so I can have a go at making my first batch of sloe gin! They are in the freezer now and I'll start tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait....!:D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.