Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I'm in love, pure and simple, in my ever present quest for mobile power, I give you MiniO

[video] m3641.l6368[/video]
For god sake stop showing me kit.. 😲😲😲😲 thats another £150 i NEED to spend...😂😂😂😂

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Just roughly weighed what I have 38kg with a bit to come yet, should be ok with 2 X 23 kg hold and 8kg hand luggage, just hope I can get it all in 3 bags ? Oh and then food on top, most of which is being bought that side.
M39 trousers arrived, apart from being a tad long which I can live with, they're spot on, plenty of room for a 32" even with a couple of layers if needed, high waist, perfect, and for a tenner, I'll order another pair I think.

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Ash and I just did a weekend in the lakes, climbed up the old man of coniston, just over two theousand metres above sea level, and pitched camp around levers reservoir.

Good cold weather training. at 0˚ with a ten mile per hour wind, it's -16˚ cold. We actually brought quite a lot of lightweight gear. But I think we got it just right. I anted to feel the cold again.

We climbed with 13-15 kilos on or backs then set up tents in an exposed location on purpose

Great company Ash, thanks. I was a bit dazed throughput the whole affair tbh. [Just due the drugs and illness] I got my head down in the hotel for few hours and felt a lot better.

But we both did well really, we could have gone on toward red tarn. But two middle aged blokes kinda preffered to spend the next day heading back to the village, hotel, beers, meal. Good do. Enjoyed myself thoroughly. Nice and relaxing rather than hardcore. But certainly a hard push up that hill. We did our bit.

Ash in his tent at around 2000 metres, freezing with a 15 mile per wind, most of the night. Cold. But good. Amazing for instance, how I was teeth shivering cold, with just buffallo mitts on, 200g devold top on, thin lightwight goose down mont bell, and a keel softshell over the top with a merino hat.

Never really got warm enough, but I just added a simple 160 merino baselayer, and that made all the difference in the world. suddenly a bit toasty, of course as soon as we had dropped 100-500 feet, it just got a lot warmer.

You never stop learning.


Coniston water in the background.

Levers reservoir behind the dog.

Justr last last week in the same location thay had a fair covering of snow.


we were just on the frost line.
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Thanks al, just got back a couple of hours ago. The entire point was just to get a bit of training, carrying medium heavy rucksacks, and practice map and compass navigation. Have to say, the OS map gave about only two of four attack points to the top.

it was a real sweaty thigh burner.
But Ash and I kept up a good non stop mutual pace. It tried to snow.

But it was bloody cold. At just zero degrees, with a ten mile per wind, its -16˚C in the open. [Did you now that? I didnt. But Ash has some really cool kit]
It got dark so we stopped.

Good test of feeling a bit bloody cold.

We are gonna gu up there again at some point to grizedale forest. Which Ive camped in, nice routes to follow. I know a farmer who will let us have open fires there. Last time had al the irpwnware, dustch oven, grill etc. Might do that one. Everyones welcome of course.

The dog was just so well behaved, and its amazing, that he can drop off instantly, snoring, at -10. [Lab with thick coat.] he was extremely well behaved./Carrying his own gear of course.
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Think I'll be ok fitness wise, reasonably at least, but obviously it's going to be a while different ball game in snow shoes and the like, not long now guys, Dewi, what's your travel plans, got dates for crossings etc ?

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Not heard from Pete for a while, is he on exercise? Would be nice to recieve confirmation matey, if youve booked your flight and train yet?
weve done the hard part for you, getting the minibus booked, and return, an campsites, and hotels........

Im wondering now if you havent booked, [you said you would at the end of the month] if youre considering driving up with dewi?

[Which te pessimist in me say mehhhhhh, but if you can do it dewie, hats off mate.]
I think Pete is on exercise till middle of the month ?

7 weeks today Ill be at or on the way to the airport, about that, Dave, how are you getting to the airport ?
I know you have the hotel but how you getting there, if you're taking the landy could I bum a lift from yours to the airport, one way ?
Edit not looking for a bed just a lift lol
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.