Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I'm like a bad penny... I have a knack of turning up when you least expect it :D

I'll be visiting the people we camped with earlier this year Al, hopefully they can fill the gap in my equipment list (which is more of a chasm than a gap)
No problem with that mate, it's just that flights and trains as well as hostel for the first night and camp site for Jokkmokk are the worries, as for gear, you can hire if you don't want or need to buy, Google outdoor gear hire.

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Home made Ice Chisel.

Got a bit of scrap exhaust from the local garage, and ground down a bolster chisel. Should make us a nice hole in the ice for water.


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Looks good Dave, so the thinking is get a branch, whittle the end and put the collar on ? will the chisel point bash in ok without a pilot hole ?
Probably its quite sharp. if not we can make one with the knife tip. It should work well I think.

Its miles better than making snowballs..:)

You use two boards to whack it in, one over the end of the chisel, and hit it with a big mallet, i think the inuits, sometimes carve the branch, slide over the steel tube, then steam it, for a while before whacking it in..
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Hahaha. With an auger if the ice is right, youre better off going a bit further out. There tends to be more debris collected near the edge of the lake. If you get +5/-5˚

Then you can shovel snow onto the lake, about the width of a path, [a snow bridge] out 10 feet or so, which freezes over in a couple of hours, and walk out on that to make a hole.

How you doing with that satellite phone Al?
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I've been having a think about what we should be concentrate on

Making snow shoes from natural materials.
Building a quinze and sleeping in it overnight. [Or all week if you like it]
Processing Old mans beard as food, the Kcals it provides.
Firelighting in the arctic.
How to create the best fire for a tent stove.
How to make a sami coffee fire, short burning fire, outside.
How to collect water.
The dangers of hypothermia and how to deal with it.
Frostbite, and how to avoid it, or deal with it. Cuts and burns.
Emergency evacuation.
Tree idenitificaton and best uses.
How to build a fire on top of the snow.
Broken bones.
Snaring and preparing ptarmigan. [And other small frozen solid game]
Firewood choices.
Travelling over frozen lakes. What to do if someone falls through ice.
Safe use of cutting tools.
Sleeping outside in different temperatures. conduction, convection etc.
Ice Fishing, which lures, when to fish, and preparation.
Campsite choices
Getting rid of frost build up in sleeping and clothing equipment.
Bulding leans to's, with long log fires.
Tracking animals.
Safety, safety, safety!
Personal hygene. Washing and cleaning yourselves. And toilet.
Watching the weather.
How to deal with wild animals.
Food and calorific intake.
travelling with a toboggan.
Snowmobiling [which we wont have I dont think...]
Husky dog sledding [Which we wont have unless we pay for it.]
Advanced Navigation

Probably too much to go over in 10 days. But we should be able to cover a fair bit. There'll be other stuff as well. Tips and tricks and what not.

do some people have a preference on learning some skills over others? bearing in mind, some of these take will take hours, or even a couple of days. What do you want to do? Build a quinze? Sleep under the stars? Night walks on the lake? Celestial navigation. [definitely one for me] Take a couple of days out from camp and had toward sarek? Snare? Build snowhoes. [Always a good one]

And of course we have to respect 'every mans rights' law in Sweden. Im just saying we have choices, and we need to make them. I need to know what you want to do.

I should also note, I'll up for taking some 'chill' days.
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An interesting and packed list there Dave, as you say, maybe too much to fit in but I think we could get most of it done. I think certain things could be grouped, as in lake crossing, snare setting, fire on snow could be combined into one trip, first aid side, I know most have training but would hope that those like me with no COLD COLD experience have done their homework re the signs of cold injuries and the signs of them coming on, prevention is better than the cure though ;) But yes, as much as we can do given the time and resources we have where we end up.

Great list mate.
Awesome work Dave. I will try and get a hand out sorted for cold weather injuries to hand out. Id like to try bow drill if the woods are ok. But im a hard core fire dude...🤘🤘🤘🤘

Snow shoes would be good. BUT im willing to miss it due to resources. Just being out there is what im after. A night or 2 up the mountains would be awesome. My kit should be ok to cope with the temps though.

Maybe do a survival shelter and long fire for a "group shelter" thing. Im happy to build it resources and damage limitation dependant of course.

Hunting would be good but will save that for another time when i look into rifle laws and costs ect.

Would enjoy some fishing though. I have some tiny survival fishing kits i will bring which should be ok to jig with. Just need some tin foil on the hooks...😆😆😆👍👍👍👍👍

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Dave can you put a post up of the location we are going to as i may be able to get maps of the area. The drop of point and where we are trecking to please bud...😆😆😆😆👍👍👍

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Yeh mate I'll try, and post the lat/long of where i think a base camp would be good.
Hunting would be good but will save that for another time when i look into rifle laws and costs ect.

I wuld definitely be up for that, even if i was accompanying you without a rifle. [No FA ceritificate]

I think autumn is moose hunting season, our jerven bags would make us invisible!
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Yeh mate I'll try, and post the lat/long of where i think a base camp would be good.

I wuld definitely be up for that, even if i was accompanying you without a rifle. [No FA license now]
As in dry stalk some animals???

If i had the space i would have put some snow cam in about 3 rifles plenty of ammo and just go into the hills for 10 days...😆😆😆😆 awesome.

Next year maybe.

I just need the names of the places Dave so i can look through the maps and see if i can find the correct one.

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Hi Chris. Im not sure where we will be getting dropped. But I think its gonna be either Suorva, or Vietas, along that road anyway.

The Lat/Long below, or near to there, is where I was thinking would be a good location to set up a base camp.

Latitude:N 67° 34' 3.199"
Longitude:E 18° 2' 8.71"

Stora Sjofallets/Stuor Muorkke national park.
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Bought the wood for the toboggan struts today, as well as the webbing and another toboggan bag, cheap ( evil bay ) if it's any good I might get another, still in 2 minds whether to run the main lines in Amsteel or rope ? The reason I was thinking to use Amsteel is that I can attach loop aliens as extra tie points as and where I need / want them without undoing everything, can anyone think of any downsides to using it ?
Ok so. Update on kit. The stove looks good and has a big door on it. The sleeping bag is perfect and plenty of room. The jerven bag is huge and some of the best all round cam i have seen. My folding bow saw is great and good quality bit of kit. The bear gerber knife is good a whaking great big bit of kit to be fare. The snow mobile boots are bloody awesome and warm as. Maybe too warm in fact.

So im all sorted near enough. Just need to find out whats happened to my tobogan and im done.

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Ok so. Update on kit. The stove looks good and has a big door on it. The sleeping bag is perfect and plenty of room. The jerven bag is huge and some of the best all round cam i have seen. My folding bow saw is great and good quality bit of kit. The bear gerber knife is good a whaking great big bit of kit to be fare. The snow mobile boots are bloody awesome and warm as. Maybe too warm in fact.

So im all sorted near enough. Just need to find out whats happened to my tobogan and im done.

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

All sounding good, do you have a tracking number for your 'boggan ? I need to do another list and cross off what I have and more importantly, make a list of outstanding items, getting there though :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.