Open invitation arctic meet 2017

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Fudge that flue's massive! Piccy in the field your wires need to be spread out more. They do work well. Have you noticed any smoke coming out of the side of the flue? No?

I'd be tempted to cut some off the top!

IT is the TI-goat right? I forget sorry. Or is it the seek outside? [In which case PM shewie, he has one]

Do you have these ss end rings:

If so, they go on the inside of the top of the flue. And one at the bottom. Then you push the wire loop up to it, or down to it, on the outside of the flue.

The cable wires are $1.75 each.

My initial thoughts were the same, massive ?

There was some smoke coming out along the length of the flue but a bit of fiddling with the wire rings cured it.

I was thinking to cut some off as well, I'll rig up the BT-2 so I can see what I need with that and maybe get the cut in a way that the flue will work on both.

Yes, it's the Ti-Goat large.

I have one of the ss rings but didn't use it ?

That slack in the pipe there, might look bad, but its not. If you put a few burns through it the creosote, will be a perfectly straight line of black soot, when you unroll it.
It is sealed tight.

Also best to roll it tightly around a long thin brookstick handle or something similiar so it goes tighter, but thats not bad as it it.

They all look like that. You just need to fiddle with it a bit so youre comfortable where the cable rings should go

The wire rings are fiddly, and that's in our climate without gloves, I was think of using egg rings, I've sourced some the same diameter as the ss wire rings, my thinking was it would be waaaaay easier ??

Thanks for the input :)
How the devil do you put it together out there though?

At the price they're going for, bargain, but so many parts to put together in minus conditions... not so bad if someone sets a stove up first and you can huddle in their tent to set it up. Relies on someone being first though.
How the devil do you put it together out there though?

At the price they're going for, bargain, but so many parts to put together in minus conditions... not so bad if someone sets a stove up first and you can huddle in their tent to set it up. Relies on someone being first though.

Yeah that's what I meant in my earlier post, I'll build the stove in the hostel so 'all' there is to do is the flue and crank the fire up, the tipi will go up in minutes, it can be tweaked after that, tipi, stove heat and tweak lol
Ahh cunning plan. That is the bit I'm not looking forward to... the initial setup. I haven't even got the kit to practise with yet.
ref snowshoe making I am most definitely up for that, I want to make a couple of different types and try them out over the time I have a couple of other things I would like to try out and I will put up my wish list later.
I found a better page for the Swedish Coop shop


A lot of things look reasonable / cheap, may have to rethink what to take and what to buy local ?

Click the online shopping tab and then on the left is the sub categories
Guys, don't get into such a lather about the stove and flue! The wire rings work absolutely fine, particularly if you've burnt it in first. Remember that when the fire is going, heat is drawn up the pipe. Even if you had some holes In the stovepipe, air is going to be drawn INTO the pipe, not expelled from it.

Ditto assembling the stove and pipe onsite. Get the tent up first, get inside it to get out of wind/snow/rain. Assemble stove - its quite simple even at -20C or lower (if I can do it on Kifaru, Seekoutside and Shepherd stoves, anyone can..) Probably best to assemble stovepipe outside - if its burnt in it only takes a minute to unroll and slide rings on. Then take it inside and finish assembly. To be honest, I can see no point in assembling it before you begin the trek in - surely the whole point of having a "flat-pack" stove is that it's "flat-pack"!
I do take your point about flat pack and flue, I'll see how it is after a couple more burns and assembly / dismantling, hopefull that the rings are easier as the weekends effort was a real pita, I did have another thought of what to use if I don't get on with them, net curtain wire and hooks, not flapping, just want options to improve time and effort :)
true - the first time rolling the pipe is a definite pain - several hands make it easier the first time. After that its a piece of cake - roll it slightly tighter than it's normal size to slip the rings over, then let it expand. Don't worry if there are creases in the pipe - it works fine even if it looks like a badly-hand-rolled cigarette - it'll still do the job without any leaks. Remember that the edges are like razors (guess how I know that!)
true - the first time rolling the pipe is a definite pain - several hands make it easier the first time. After that its a piece of cake - roll it slightly tighter than it's normal size to slip the rings over, then let it expand. Don't worry if there are creases in the pipe - it works fine even if it looks like a badly-hand-rolled cigarette - it'll still do the job without any leaks. Remember that the edges are like razors (guess how I know that!)

There were 2 of us rolling it, or trying to lol, the creases don't bother me, can't see me getting rid of it ( although that was the plan ) And yes, the edges are sharp, guess how I know, even after reading about how sharp I still didn't wear gloves, more the fool me :D
So a lot of last minute shopping Dewi, and last minute testing for you both

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Last minute might be an understatement... if I can't source everything on my gear list, I may be buying some stuff in Sweden.

Main things I'm trying to get sorted are clothes, decent boots, tent and stove... so far I have over-mitts, socks, couple of hats and thermals... have my eye on some husky boots and a down jacket.

Still undecided on the tent, its a coin toss on the stove and I've not even looked at a sled yet. Although my ears did ***** up when someone mentioned snow mobiles :D
Last minute might be an understatement... if I can't source everything on my gear list, I may be buying some stuff in Sweden.

Main things I'm trying to get sorted are clothes, decent boots, tent and stove... so far I have over-mitts, socks, couple of hats and thermals... have my eye on some husky boots and a down jacket.

Still undecided on the tent, its a coin toss on the stove and I've not even looked at a sled yet. Although my ears did ***** up when someone mentioned snow mobiles :D

Surplus is your friend, coupled with the Bay ;)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.