The problem with the world today is that it is divided. In order to solve the worlds problems we need to be united. We need one government to manage the whole thing.
Andy, seeing as though you bring conspiracies into it.... if there is a New world order/world government plan in the making... GOOD, lets help to make it happen. Their job as i see it would be efficient resource management. It will happen. I reckon all these middle east wars are steps towards it.
Think about it. If there was a one world government, then we could much more effectively sort out the energy issues. Lots of hot and sunny sparsely populated deserts to use to obtain all the solar energy the world would ever need. Everything then could run on electricity, who needs gas and oil then?
The issue is'nt the generation when it comes to solar farms, its more an issue of storage! There would be issues with having the necessary energy at the necessary time, the storage cells that we have at the moment are VERY inefficient especially when taking into account any spike in demand!
This is one of the reasons we use places like the Llanberis hydro installation, it makes a net loss in energy but it allows for peaks in demand suring up the grid at times of high demand.