Off to Algonquin - What should I take?

Hi all, been lurking for a while but though it was about time I posted.

I'm off to the Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada soon for a 10 day canoe, portage and camping trip with my uncle, my 11 year old cousin and a mate of mine. I've been once before and loved every second of it but this time I want to try a bit more 'bushcraft' this time.

I've got myself a Helle Eggen knife, crook knife for some carving attempts, a fire stick thingy and striker (as I've read the Eggen isn't that good at making a spark). A bergen with side pockets for all my gear, a decent pair of boots and suitable clothing. Torch and LED head torch (present from my mum... awww), poncho and suitable hat. Got a water bottle and mug (plastic) too.

Is there anything else that would make a good addition to my kit for the trip?

Anyone got any tips or things for me to try while I'm there?

Any input is welcomed......


Acutorum Opifex
Nov 10, 2003
Take me!!!

Seriously though, it is a wonderful place and I'm jealous.

Have you got dry bags for your kit? Also you didn't list a sharpener which may come in useful, depending on how much bushcraft you are doing.

Have fun.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
There is a lot of info on the forum section of Canadian Canoe Routes:

It's good to carry fire lighting kit in your buoyancy aid/PFD but bulky items in the pockets can make it harder to re-enter the boat in an emergency. My solution is to carry a small, flat, sealed packet of wind/waterproof matches and striker - there is one in every British army ration pack so fairly readily available. Not sure about the legalities of taking these on a plane though.

Not sure when you are going but a hat and sunglasses are often a good idea when on the water. Polarised lenses are possibly best for glare. The Canadian Tilly hat is popular as it floats. Expensive though.


Jul 18, 2005
Sounds ace - have a wicked time!

I didn't see a first aid kit on the list? Best to take something to stop any bleeding at least!!

I'd take a book like Mors' Bushcraft, because if you're anything like me, it's only once you get on the hill you realise you can't quite remember exactly how that thing you read works exactly. Gives you something to read in the quiet times too!

Ditch the plastic mug and get a metal or enamelled one, otherwise all your drinks will taste of plastic! (not good if you're a tea fan like me....)

Packet of chocolate Hobnobs (see above)

Maybe something to fish with?

and a camera so you can show us what it was like :)

Dunno if you are a subscriber but you could always take vol 2 of the BCUK magazine and attempt the try stick?

Hope that gives you some inspiration...

Thanks for all the responses.

Yes, I have got some dry bags, forgot to mention those. First aid kit is covered. I was looking at the metal mug, sounds like a good idea so will sort that one before I go.

Sunglasses are never far away from my head anyway :cool:

Fishing kit is sorted as is the camera kit, photography is a hobby of mine so camera kit was a must have.

You can see some pictures from my last trip there in 2004 here:

As for something to sharpen the knife with, not really thought of that one, any suggestions bearing in mind I've never sharpened a knife before.

I also have Ray Mears' Bushcraft book to take with me too.

So I think I'm pretty well covered. Only a week and a half until I go :eek:

mark a.

Jul 25, 2005
Make sure DEET and mosquito nets are on the list!

Have a great time - it's a (very) long-term plan of mine to canoe in the Algonquin, so I hope you have a fab time.

Canadian Guy

Sep 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Hi gazraa, I was up in Algonquin 3 weeks ago for a 4 day interior canoe trip and as usual it was great. You probably want a water filter as although the interior lakes and streams are clear of human pollution there could be Giardia in the water naturally which could give you a good case of "beaver fever"-not a souvenir from Canada you want. I use the MSR Miniworks without problems. A hatchet or folding saw for cutting firewood would also be good and I definately agree with the bug repellant/net idea. Sandals to wear in the canoe would also be something to add to the list. What routes are you taking?
the route, well we are setting off from the Portage store at the south end of Canoe lake, heading up towards Bartlet via Joe, Teepee, Fawn and Tom Thomson, then onto White Trout via Willow, Asker and Sunbeam, Canada Jay and Hawkins and then onto Big Trout for 2 nights. Then we loop back via Otterslide, Burnt Island, Lost Joe, Little Joe and Joe back to Canoe at finish back at the Portage Store for some Apple Pie :) 10 days, 9 nights...... I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

I've done some of these lakes before, but haven't been as far as White Trout or Big Trout so it should be good and not too intense!

Back to kit, water purifier is sorted and so is the saw. I've got some reef shoes (from a trip to Oz) instead of buying sandals, so they'll do for when I'm in the canoe.

Just hope the UK airports are back to normal by the time I set off :(

Canadian Guy

Sep 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Thats similiar to the route I had done, I had started at the Portage store (Canoe lake) then went to Joe Lake, then Burnt Island lake and then returned the same route. It was an easy trip as I had my 9 year old Son with me. Good luck and have fun!


Jul 8, 2006
Personally, I'd buy an Arkansas stone for sharpening. I've never actually used it myself so I probably shouldn't suggest it, but my dad says it's the best kind of stone he's ever sharpened with. Mind you, he ain't a bushcrafter. I usually just use cheapy stones, gray ones you pick up in the shop for a couple quid. Always do the job for me :)

Remember to keep your firelighting equipment and knife securely fastened on your person at all times ;)


Jun 7, 2006
Market Deeping
Your photos are excellent - if your not already u should turn pro - like the cut of your jib when it comes to your framing of a shot

Have u got a wide brimmed hat to keep off the rays as u also get reflected ones too

Take some cheap kneepads so you can get on your knees for better control when paddling

hope you have a good one and i'm very jealous
got a hat sorted, but will have a think about the knee pads. being a lanky 6'4" with dodgy knees I might just stick to a seated canoe position instead of kneeling.

I'll look into the sharpening kit too.

GearGuru - thanks for the comments on my photos, turning pro would be great but I'll stick to building web sites for now. I'm hoping to sell a few prints at some point though, but only as a sideline, another string to my bow and all that.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.