None of the products will make a worn out garmen waterproof again
They just help it shed surface water
They just help it shed surface water
Not in their wisdom. They have a Statutory obligation provide wholesome water.
Interesting, I hadn't read that before on Paramo.That's what I'm seeking! Great beading.
Interestingly, Paramo's post-wash test is to see if it beads when still wet from the wash (which I'd have thought would mean the outer was already saturated).
Wash Care Instructions - Paramo
I have the Velez Evolution Smock. Basically, they are not waterproof. They rely on the DWR for 'water resistance'. They keep you dry by directional wicking and imo they work very well.Dan? What’s the garment? I don’t know much about anything other than the Halcon and the outer is made of very thin stuff. I get an initial beading like that but you can kind of tell that’s not how the material works. I have remained dry always but I’m not sure where the water is stopped, or how.
The effect shows well in the vid I posted.
Not quite so, Sympatex and some PU coatings operate on a different principle. They can pass water as liquid through but they work best with a fairly large temp gradient. Their breathability is not as good as some of the holey membranes but they are mechanically stronger. Sympatex at least seems to work much better in shoes than GT.a membrane will only allow moisture vapour to pass through. As soon as any sweat condenses, it will be trapped inside the membrane coat until/unless it vaporizes again.
Thank you, how new is this technology? I'm only going mostly by what I have read in 'Keeping Dry & Staying Warm', which was written about 5 years ago now.Not quite so, Sympatex and some PU coatings operate on a different principle. They can pass water as liquid through but they work best with a fairly large temp gradient. Their breathability is not as good as some of the holey membranes but they are mechanically stronger. Sympatex at least seems to work much better in shoes than GT.
Hmmm ... I think it has been around at least 25 years, I think John Fenna might have some practical experience on Sympatex in cloths.Thank you, how new is this technology?
A brilliant explanation and it all makes sense to me now. Am hoping to buy either the Alta3 or the Evolution Hybrid smock but was worried about the efficacy of re-proofing it. You have laid my mind to rest now. Just a couple of questions,forgive me if I am being pedantic/repetetive?....Nikwax tx direct is temperamental stuff to get working. It is not just the case of following instructions, you have to be fastidious in your process.
WRT wasshing machines, it is hard to get them fully clean of normal detergents and involves a little bit more than a high temp, long boil wash setting IMHO. So I stopped using them at all as I have had such poor success with machine based cleaning and treating. Unless you have a spare, plumbed in washing machine you can keep just for reproofing of course. Some have the money for that I reckon, i don't.
So I have a large bucket and lean into the shower to use the shower head to fill and rinse after. I fill it and add the tech wash. I swirl and move the garment around for a long time, longer than youy would think it needs. If I don't then it won't work that well. I try shortcuts and only have to redo it all again so take your time and add a bit more. Then I pour it away and squeeze excess mixture out. I hang it on the holder for the shower head to drip awhile. Then I rinse the bucjket fully until no hint of the wash. I then fill with warm water again and rinse then let the garment drip awhile as I pour the sud filled water away. Then I fully rinse the bucket again and fill it with warm or even cold water to rinse. I repeat this until absolutely no suds come out.
BTW the washing is done until I squeeze the garment and no more dirty water comes out. I wear a black rucksack at times and it has made my velez adventure lite black on the contact points wo I really have to clean it well.
AFter fully cleaned and fully rinsed I might let drip for a bit to take a break. This is actually hard workj if I am doing it right and not taking shortcuts.
I then reproof with warm water and leave to soak in for some time. I then hang it up to drip. Paramo analogy fabric tends to allow the water to drip to the lowest point so it will dry to a damp state quickly. At this point I might hang outside if a warm day or if it has dried enough I hang it in the cupboard with a small radiator in and the boiler. This is not that hot space but it is warmer than the house. I also have a few coat hooks above a kitchen radiator so that also gets warm and dries it out quickly. That is if the heating is on of course. If not I leave to a warm day and hang outside.
This is not about setting it in but about drying it out in a more effective way I think. More heat = quicker dry and that is it not setting in.
BTW I have tried a tumble drier and that gets patchy succerss which IMHO is more about ther washing and proofing stage being good or less good. I have had a paramo get better at beading with that rather ineffective drier (It came with the house but has since been passed on to someone for a fiver). You do not need to use heat and IMHO it is about the wash, rinse and proofing stage. Machines do not work if they have had any normal detergent in IME. Getting hands on with it can work but it is hard work and takes time to do it well and guarantee good results. I do not always do it well. I get impatient and take shortcuts like telling myself it has been rinsed enough when it really has not. When that happens I kick myself as the outer fabric fails to bead up. I know I am messing it up when I do tht but I never learn all the time. No shortcuts with getting it right.
A whlle back you could take your paramo or other garment to an Alpkit shop and get the DWR reproofed for not that much. AIUI Paramo will do that too for a price. IF you have a lot of paramo needing it then perhaps contact them for a bulk discount in that??? They will return it like new and AIUI they do minor repairs in the price or contact you to advise on what is needed if a bit more.
I know everyone here is self reliant but if they are not getting good results and their several hundred pounds outdoors garment no longer works well then perhaps the cost of Paramo doing it or other pro service doing it is actually saving you money in the long term (not having to replace them)??
I got the biggeest bucket my local store had which is not that big TBH. A bit bigger than the household ones say a supermarket sells.A brilliant explanation and it all makes sense to me now. Am hoping to buy either the Alta3 or the Evolution Hybrid smock but was worried about the efficacy of re-proofing it. You have laid my mind to rest now. Just a couple of questions,forgive me if I am being pedantic/repetetive?....
Then you 're-proof with warm water' you mean that you add TX direct to the warm water and bung the garment back in the bucket? ( I am told that washing it will in Tech wash will restore the waterproofness and make it bead up again-obviously you need to also reproof after a few washes- so I assume 're-proof with warm water'refers to using the re-proofer rather than just washing garment when required- I know I sound a bit stupid but just wanted to nail it exactly)
- how big a bucket for washing?
- how many minutes swirling the garment? 30 mins?
- How many times do you refill the bucket till no more dirt comes from the garment? I am imagining 3 or 4 times?
This is incredibly interesting, and I'm on my second background play through. There are some nuggets in there which aren't immediately apparent to boot.Here is a good Webinar with Mike Parsons where he discusses garments and at 25mins he talks about wicking layers, directional wicking layers and a little on Paramo garments.
-A little off topic sorry, but I thought some here would appreciate it.
I'm intrigued by the windshirt concept, so am on the lookout for one. But I agree that Paramo's cut can be pretty peculiar.I omce owned a paramo windshirt. It wass fully featured and more like a waterproof than a windshirt but it was a poor design and fit for me. The hood was well designed but in use in strong winds or even modest winds the excess fabirc that could not be cinched in flapped so strongly it whipped against thee face and stung more than not hjaving it up. Of course then if youha d it down it blow around more.
I ended up not using it at all. It is somewhere in the house now but I have no interest in looking for it. As good as useless for me.
I've recently bought a fleece of theirs, and at first it's uncomfortable, but after a few minutes of wearing it, it seems to settle in! I think it's because the fabric clings to my t shirt underneath or vice versa, but after a while they seem to settle. It is very close fitting though, as intended.I have a Parano Fuera wind smock. High cut under the arms to the point it was almost impossible to put on. Was able to get some Paramo shell fabric and insert a diamond gusset under the arms. Worked better.