New Rat packs

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Biscuits Fruit gone too :dunno:

Apparently they're too "heavy" for the places that soldiers now work in. Apart from those of us who train in Blighty that is!

They seem to have been replaced by cereal/muesli style bars. Not the same though (grumble, grumble).

Biscuits Fruit gone too :dunno:

Apparently they're too "heavy" for the places that soldiers now work in. Apart from those of us who train in Blighty that is!

They seem to have been replaced by cereal/muesli style bars. Not the same though (grumble, grumble).


i suppose they got rid of the oatmeal block too!

sad day. - they were all sooo good!
Had the new ones since last summer, problem is I took away 4 new and 4 old and me and the other half just picked what we wanted n so now how a mix of meals and desserts and alsorts lol. Gotta love ration packs
Had the new ones since last summer, problem is I took away 4 new and 4 old and me and the other half just picked what we wanted n so now how a mix of meals and desserts and alsorts lol. Gotta love ration packs

your missus like rat packs! what a woman! :D:You_Rock_
How could anyone hate cheese possessed and bacon grill? They were my favourites especially grilled together on toast, but then I was a "scaley" so we had toasters and microwaves along with 60KVa gene sets! How the other half lives eh?
I actually preferred OPs and hides meself!:rolleyes:HONEST!
Cheese possessed and biscuits brown, wow! Mind you endex was always a rush for the sennapods!
aah, memories :)
I was only a cadet, but it's amazing how nice biscuits fruit could taste when you'd been out on some moor in the rain all night.
Cheese processed was just vile though.
I'm still using the tin openers 20yrs later.

dont suppose you were a member of eccles det rct
i'm a little wary of getting the new menus off ebay as i heard off a surplus retailer that the new ones are all earmarked for afghanistan and any on the open market are 'liberated' lol

back when i was a cadet (93-97) we sometimes got the old tinned rations but most of the time it was the boil in the bag variety.
i miss the babies heads (steak n kidney pudding) and the chicken curry. also was it me or did the rolos in the tin rat packs taste of coffee?
lol opened a tin of cheese possesed last week one of my kids managed to actually like it ...of course when i told him it was older than him he went off it a bit ..hes 12
anyone selling the new rat packs yet would appreciate a link if anyone has one
I remember once i was trying to cut down my kit so i only took one mess tin...bad mistake!
we were bought hayboxes with a really nice sunday lunch roast pork with the trimmings!
afters was apple pie and custard.
I could never turn down a roast with pudding!:dunno:
i made sure the pork was dumped in the middle,with the trimmings one side and the pie and custard the other, so the apple went with the pork!:rolleyes:
it worked until the gravy mixed with the custard:lmao:

always carry 2 mess tins....always carry 2 mess tins....always carry 2 mess tins..always carry 2 mess tins....

Nah, if you're facing the hell of mess tin inspections by NCOs, the trick is to carry a handful of translucent plastic bags with you. Put the mess tin in the bag, and the nosh in the mess tin. Eat the nosh, turn the bag inside out and ditch it (in a responsible manner, of course). Also means you can carry one tin, since you can just plop the dessert in another bag.

Return home, give still shiny tins a quick wipe and lay them on the correct part of the bed. Check alignment, climb into sleeping bag on floor, hide from NCOs.

£14.61 i assume thats without postage to, ouch can still get the old ones for £5 each and £5 post if you get 10 looks like ill be eating buiscuits brown for a while yet
£14.61 i assume thats without postage to, ouch can still get the old ones for £5 each and £5 post if you get 10 looks like ill be eating buiscuits brown for a while yet

I agree - but that's why I linked to the £10 farside ones. Twice the price, admittedly, but better contents - wet wipes and scouring pad for example, as well as the food - and fresh (I know they're safe for ages, but some of the items in my 6 year old ones can are a little past they're best - discoloured etc).

Out of curiosity, where do you get the £5 ones? I used to get them from Genuine Army Surplus, but they seem to not sell them at the mo.
£14 is rediculous, I resented paying £7 for the old ones when my suppplier was away.

Just had a good look, some of mine are now mixed up but Im quite sure the new ones I have come with the new wiredies such as tabasco but still have the old favs fruit buscuits etc. Can get a ready supply of this from the army too so know they are gen
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so the new ones seem to consist mostly of chicken, tuna and pasta in a varity of ways.

The sikh/hindu/veggie seem more intersting than the normal ones.

Best get my mate out on exercise ASAP to liberate some more "left overs"

The Vegetarian and Halal options are surprisingly good.

Not my personal choice, but when the rat packs were distributed (thrown at me) these were what I caught.

I'd have no problem eating them again.


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