Informative post and nice to hear from experience. Sounds like Wayne has had to treat some of the more colorful ones 
I am lucky enough to have friends who are remarkably accident prone so treated lots of cuts bashes burns and bruises. Few of them recently have occurred from cheap or poorly maintained sheathes.
Cant add anything to the experts above but I do like to keep steri strips, gauze and eye bandages. Plasters are great but steri strips and eye bandages/finger bandages tend to breath better. They also make said digit stick out ridiculously so embarrassing the owner into thinking twice next time before cutting or skipping maintenance. Peppa pig plasters also help. Steri strips also seem to last longer than plasters if sweating, even the posh elstoplast flavor and being individually sealed they tend to get less grotty than a roll of tape. Easier to apply too.

I am lucky enough to have friends who are remarkably accident prone so treated lots of cuts bashes burns and bruises. Few of them recently have occurred from cheap or poorly maintained sheathes.
Cant add anything to the experts above but I do like to keep steri strips, gauze and eye bandages. Plasters are great but steri strips and eye bandages/finger bandages tend to breath better. They also make said digit stick out ridiculously so embarrassing the owner into thinking twice next time before cutting or skipping maintenance. Peppa pig plasters also help. Steri strips also seem to last longer than plasters if sweating, even the posh elstoplast flavor and being individually sealed they tend to get less grotty than a roll of tape. Easier to apply too.
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