My Poor Axe

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May 27, 2008
United States
Just got back from a trip to Canada and had something terrible happen to my axe. Someone in the group borrowed it while I was doing something else and started chopping some wood for a fire without my knowlege,that wasnt the problem except he started chopping a log over another log over a rock. The axe went through both logs and smacked into the rock and damaged the very top of the head. Guess it was sharp enough but now I have to fix it with files...I learned the valuable lesson once again of not letting people even have the chance to use your gear....
Cant find it but there was a post that said some thing like this...

"It is very rude to even to ask to borrow someones axe, to take with out asking is wholly unacceptable"

Shore some one will know the right quot.:rolleyes:

That's a quote from Mors Kochanski and it's on Switch's signature.

Mate of mine did the same and was so eager, he used it with the mask still on. Went straight through the rivets!!
I prefer these rules which come from Dan Beard's woodcraft -

  • [*]No one but a duffer and a chump will use another man's axe without that other man's willing permission
    [*]It is as bad form to ask for the loan of a favourite axe as it is to ask for the loan of a sportsman's best gun or pet fishing rod or toothbrush
    [*]To turn the edge or to nick another man's axe is a very grave offense
I once had a cheapo machete that I spent an hour sharpening before taking it to the beach and using it to split firewood. Someone else had a go when I was away fetching wood, and used a rock as a chopping block. It looked serrated by the time they'd finished.

It's no wonder people think knives are only useful as weapons when they've never been taught to use them as tools.
Yeah, I agree with all of you about not touching another mans sharp objects without asking. I dont think he thought anything of it though because I let him use it when I was around the time before. So in the long run it was probably my fault for letting him use it at all because he probably got the idea that it could be used anytime. I am just going to have to remember to put it away next time after I use it...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.