My FGYT mini whittler


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sometime way before christmas last year, back in the days when it was warm and sunny (around October perhaps) Duncan (FGYT) was having a bumper sale and I was lucky enough to lay my hands on one of his mini whittler blades.

Received it in the post soon after and promptly tested out the sharpness of these blades as they come out of the wrapping. The legends are true, they're scarily sharp. So this fine blade lived on a nail on my shelf for several weeks and was mostly used to sharpen pencils until I knew what I wanted to do with it. No use rushing in headlong and then end up regretting what you did.

Enter stage left MountainM who had a skip load of water buffalo horn. I traded some spalted birch with him for the privelage of having that stink from cutting it on a blunt bandsaw blade linger in my workshop for a few days, but the more I worked on it the more my eyes kept wandering back to a choice piece of deer antler I had. So I bowed to gut instinct and went with that option. I'll save that buffalo horn for another job one day.

So big thanks to Duncan's fine workmanship in blade making and Mike for giving me the horn... wait, that didn't read so well did it?

Anyway folks I'd like you to meet Narwhal. To me it kinda looks like a narwhal as opposed to a dolphin. See last pic.

I likes a chunky handle me and I would also like to thank the deer for thoughtfully growing such a fine and ergonomic antler for me to utilise as a handle. It works a treat! I used a piece of the Ram's hron as the bolster but filed it smooth as it looked like I'd sneezed on that area. Had a rackem frakem moment when I nicked the blade with the file, ask me how pi$$ed off I was doing that. Wrapped it in cardboard and tape thereafter to save me doing it again.

Just need to figure out a suitable sheath for it now. No pressure then (ulp!)

Thanks for reading, here are the pix:



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