Project 49
Portable table...
Mainly for use on static rather than backpacking trips!
Mainly Hazel poles, lashed with cheap paracord.
Surprisingly stable!
This also represents an update on my fitness progress (project 22) as each stick represents at least a 5 mile walk as I cut a "walking pole" on each outing ... and I have not used them all
Current fitness level...
Well - the fitness is coming on.... This mornings walk was a 7 mile road circuit with 152 meters uphill (and downhill) in it and I was carrying a13.25 lbs daypack - it took me spot on 1.75 hours giving an average 4mph speed
My current weight is 9st 11.25 lbs - so the weight is still in check too.
Not bad for someone who weighed 17stone, struggled to walk a mile and was on a waiting list for 2 new knees and two new hips. I am now looking at the local hills and planning routes ...