Don't think you needed a joke smiley to be honest.
I'm all for conservation, especially of endangered species, but once it's roadkill I see no problem eating it. (That said, I would make a clear moral distinction between swerving to hit and accidentally hitting)
I suppose it's the "waste not" view. It's dead either way, eat it or let it rot? if it's fresh and basically intact it'd be a shame to waste it.
It's a shame they are so endangered.
So - assuming you're ok to have a dead badger part if a cop sees you collect it as roadkill or you get a vet's certificate... how does one go about having it legitimised like that without taking so long the meat spoils?
This is an academic enquiry as I hope never to see a badger that's met its demise in that way, but I'd be interested to know for knowing's sake.