I was an electrician by trade in the army, and when I went on an exercise I had the use of a 16/24 Newton Derby Gene pumping out 80 odd amps. There is nothing like being stuck in the middle of a training area and still having a kettle, TV, electric fan heaters etc.
On winter exercise in Norway, everyone could see where our tent had been because all the snow & Ice had melted. Now thats when the term "Anyone can be uncomfortable" comes in.
Don't get me wrong though on FTX's all this stuff was stripped away from us and we had to rely on our issue gear augmented by bits and pieces of civilian gear.
But when it comes to bushcraft I also believe its about getting back to the basics in one way or another so I steer away from the use of alot of kit and try and get by with as little as possible if that makes sense.
I don't believe in going out dressed head to toe in DPM there is no need because there is plenty of military style gear out there in the shops and on the net that comes in OG or black.
But this is just my opinion and no-one should take offence.
Ah, we used to use 16/24s on the Wing - dead quiet and really reliable. Twin gennies
and one of those 'home-made' switch-over boxes. Ace!