I wonder if some "incidents" that happened could be used as a discussion point?
For example, in my sector, we use near-misses, incidents and.accidents as learning- there are sector-level videos (based on real events) that present a scenario and there's places where it stops for "what should you do next" discussions by the trainer, then the video is resumed to see how it was handled- and then discuss the differences, what was better/worse.
In the bushcraft context, one could consider some plausible hypotheticals. Such as, there's a pair of friends hiked into a cabin. There's a phone signal but access is difficult- on foot only. One of the pair takes their axe to cut some wood and misses, serious injury to leg. What happens next?
I am suggesting detailed plausible scenarios (base on real events even- then you also know the outcome) which are used to stimulate discussion and self-reflection.Not so much about detailed medical training, albeit the real-life experience of a first-responder or even a mountain leader type would be very useful. It's mainly about self-reflection, "how might I respond in this situation" and takes in not just technical training but the human response to events (and the kit that one has with one at that point in time). In real life, someone with a lot of theoretical training who freezes might not do so well as someone who is practical and will actually "press here" to stop bleeding, and is stubborn enough to keep "pressing here" until help arrives.
There's a you tube video about an accident on Crib Coch. The chap who made the video may or may not have done everything "right-" but he did enough to save someone who fell and was seriously injured in bad weather. It's easy to be an armchair expert after the event; what is more valuable IMO is some self-reflection and honesty about the ability to cope in a real-life emergency.