Marttiini pukko?

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I have two and like them a lot. A stainless lynx 131 and a lynx black edition which is the same steel (80crV2) as the one you show there.

I think the 80crv2 models are laurin metalli blades, but stand to be corrected.

I like my stainless one more than black edition because of minor preferences in the designs (handle and smooth blade instead of 'forged effect'). But the carbon one will outperform the stainless hands down in cutting, which always leaves me torn.

In my opinion they're great knives, especially paired with a small hatchet. I do baton small pieces with mine, but common sense in terms of the stick tang and handle material is needed. If you don't abuse it, it should serve you well.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.