Made me first bushcraft knife

Dec 28, 2014
Barnham, West Sussex
Hi guys, new member here and I finally got around to producing what I feel is a finished looking bushcraft knife and wanted to throw it out there for thoughts and opinions, criticism also!
I've made knives before, but they were mainly whilst I was still at college and learning blacksmithing so they were really rather sub-par. I am proud of how this one has turned out though, and I'd like to try and make knife-making a little side business - so if anyone has any ideas on how to get started in that field also they would be most welcome!

This one was hand forged out of an unknown carbon steel, tempted to straw yellow and quenched in motor oil - I've yet to put it through rigorous testing but it sharpens well and seems to hold it for a while. Handles were made from a piece of cherry plum I cut at work. Brass pins and liners. Rough around the edges, and my leatherwork certainly isn't fantastic but the whole project was something of a test to see if I could create something that people would want - quality control would certainly be better next time around.

I'd really like to know how you guys think I did. My camera work probably also needs improvement.


Tom Gold

Nov 2, 2012
I'm not a metal worker but that looks amazing. Wonderful finish on the blade, very pleasing traditional look to the whole thing. Must be a real pleasure to use a knife you made yourself.

Thanks for sharing,

Dec 28, 2014
Barnham, West Sussex
Thank you all! I really love the mirrored finish, it really makes things look lovely and timeless. I haven't used the knife enough yet, but it certainly has a lot of character and fits the hand like a glove.
Im currently working on a mora-styled/sized knife with a yew handle - hopefully will be done this weekend so I will post some pictures of it if people are interested?
I'll definitely look at that forum, Bob, thanks


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.