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thanks for the challenges bf
they do a bit of map and compass at the cadets so hopefully that will help me
i can do a 4 figure grid referance but i need i tiny bit of help with the 6 figure please could you help me
leon-b said:
thanks for the challenges bf
they do a bit of map and compass at the cadets so hopefully that will help me
i can do a 4 figure grid referance but i need i tiny bit of help with the 6 figure please could you help me
This is a great resource
Don't let the "child friendly" graphics put you off! It has lots of good info on there and it explains it a lot better than I could.

What type of compass do you use? Is it a proper silva or silva type? The silva compasses usually have a romer scale on them that is excellent for getting accurate 6 fig. references. It is hard to explain but very easy to show how to use, I will try and find another link for you.
thanks for the link
i do have a silva compass although i am not sure what on yes it does also have roma scale on it
If you look at the romer scale, there will be about three for different scale maps choose the one you need. If you are not sure check the romer on a grid square, the 1 to 10 numbers should fit exactly.
If you look at the numbers they are going the wrong way? The scale starts with 1 in the top right corner and goes down on the side and from right to left along the top.
What you do is put the top right corner on your position, with the top and sides parallell with the grid square, and read the number from the left and the bottom where the grid lin goes under it.
If you are going from a grid reference to the map you do the opposite and put the numbers on the gridline and the top corner of the romer is the position.
Try it and it will make sense!
It is a lot easier to show than explain, but I have seen lots of people complain about the numbers going the wrong way on the romer and turning them upside down and all sorts!
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Ahhh, I see Goose has got it sorted out.

(I have just been on the OS site trying to get some links/downloads and my computer has frozen up twice!)
thanks goose yes i thought the numbers were the rong way round but then i realised
the link is great and also easy to understand
You can also estimate, but this is not quite as accurate.

In the Grid Square of the object you want to take a reference for, devide the square into ten, both horizontally and vertically.

If it all gets confusing, remember:

"ALONG the Hallway and UP the Stairs"
yes i remember along the hallway and up the stairs because thats what they taught us at school when we were finding co-ordinates on a graph
OK there's no rush, have a look at the Conventional Symbols list inside your map's cover and see if you can work it out from that.

Actually, I had forgotten myself and had to go and look it up! :D

This is one of the great things about OS maps, they have so much detail on them, but it looks really simple.

Knowing the difference between the Symbol for a River and a Stream could save you getting wet, or having to take a long detour!
ok thanks i will find out
i thought you might be interested i have just made a short piece of nettle cordage
Keep going and make it into a long piece! :D
Have a search I think Stuart posted a picture of his fishing kit somewhere, all made with natural resources, metres of nettle cordage he must have too much time on his hands! ;)
hi guys i am thinking of buying a DD hammock do you think this is a good investment for me
leon-b said:
hi guys i am thinking of buying a DD hammock do you think this is a good investment for me

If you get in touch with Magikelly, he'll add your name to the list for his seventh (yup 7th) group buy on hammocks. It might take a while to get off the ground but they're great, and quite cheap too.


Ogri the trog


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