list to learn

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
fenlander my mum has just got in and she said she will ring you tommorow at about 6 pm is this ok
hi everyone i will take some pics when i am with fenlander and then post them on here even though i dont know how (im sure i'll figure it out)

Would you like me to publish some instructions mate? I'll do a small thread if you want - I'd love to see some pictures of your outing with Fenlander. It might take a while as I'm abroad for a few days next week. Really looking forward to a picture of your challenge - kind of envious - wish I could come too :)

fenlander thanks for the cd
red thanks that would be very helpful as i dont have a clue how to post pictures
BOD said:
Can any one tell me what this is refering to?

Is it about throwing a line over a limb of the tree or using a messenger line?

The first option Bod.
The line is coiled in two sections, the first has enough reach to go to the limb, the second has the wieght to get to the limb and then enough line to reach to the ground when unravelled.

i wish my knife would hurry up
has anyone purchused anything from this seller of ebay bushcraft_uk
if you have how long did delivery take
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I havent purchased a from that ebay seller. Leon the essence of bushcraft for me and I spend a lot of time in the wood when not attached to this pc is that bushcraft forces you to slow down. You must walk softly and listen to the woods and adapt to your surroundings. Running to catch up will mean you miss the wild foods and flowers beneath your feet and you will startle the wildlife.

Give the knife another week and then email the seller. There is plenty of bushcraft skills to practise before getting out the sharps. There are 33 native trees. How many can you identify?

The secrets of bushcraft are not just the physical skills but knowing when to act and what actions to take.

Of course when I was your age I wanted it all now. I trained in NInjutsu 4 evenings a week and Karate 2 plus going out in the woods. Therefore my studies suffered. Not a good move. I still training and still learning. You have a life time to walk the worlds wide places. Relax and enjoy.
leon-b said:
ok thanks
what do you think i should practice that doent involve a knife

Do you have a decent compass yet? Finding your way around with a compass is an essential skill for any bushcrafter I would think. You should learn to use your compass with a map. Learn how to orient your map, take bearings, plot a route, etc. I know it's kinda hard to get lost over there in the Mother Country ;) but good compass skills can come in handy. :)
Ok then Leon, as you have an OS map (the best in the World!) here's some questions for you:

1.How many of the 'Conventional Symbols' do you know?

2. What is the interval between the Contour lines?

3. How can you tell if a blue line is a River or a Stream?

4. What is the six figure grid reference for your School?
I am another of the young ones on here and this thread has been a great help to me as well.

I have been practising some of the challenges set by Red and it has really helped me. Before now I have mainly concentrated on carving (I did make a spoon a while ago, but I can't find it :( ) Now though I have been doing the fire tasks and my firelighting has really improved. It's something that I've wanted to do but before now never got round to.

Thanks everyone, especially leon for starting this thread and Red for the challenges :You_Rock_


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.