Coupling nicely with the threads on lightweight kit came the arrival of my new mug.
It's an Evernew Titanium 400ml mug from
This I have paired with a simple cat can stove. Adding a snapwire spoon from alpkit, gives me enough kit to make a brew for just 74.3gm. Which is pretty damn light weight.
Paired with the above setup (and this ties in nicely with what has previously been discussed as "post lightweight"), I also have the two sizes of foldacup from These come in at 24.1gm and 45.9gm. The snapwire knife and fork expand this at 13.6gm each. Giving me a total all up weight to be able to make a cup of tea, and cook up a basic meal of 171.5gm. The added bonus is the mug nests nicely on the bottom of my nalgene drinks bottle.
It's an Evernew Titanium 400ml mug from
This I have paired with a simple cat can stove. Adding a snapwire spoon from alpkit, gives me enough kit to make a brew for just 74.3gm. Which is pretty damn light weight.
Paired with the above setup (and this ties in nicely with what has previously been discussed as "post lightweight"), I also have the two sizes of foldacup from These come in at 24.1gm and 45.9gm. The snapwire knife and fork expand this at 13.6gm each. Giving me a total all up weight to be able to make a cup of tea, and cook up a basic meal of 171.5gm. The added bonus is the mug nests nicely on the bottom of my nalgene drinks bottle.