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Absolutely. There are several useful tools on both items but I find that having the pliers and the screwdriver both in the same hand renders one or the other useless.

Which is the best reason to own two or invest in the leatherman adaptor which can be used independently of the main tool. I also have two small spanners in the sheath of my Surge (8 & 10mm) as these are the main sizes for blade changes on some of my other tools and worktop joining bolts and a few spare jigsaw blades for metal and longer wood cutting blades that fit the wood saw/diamond file attachment point.
I have used them in parallel with SAK's to good effect so do not discount SAK's at all.
I have also tried a couple of other makes of multi-tool, however, the best performing for proper hard use out in the olive groves, travelling throughout France and Spain, in a pub in Margate or out on site building something has a single brand name. Leatherman.
Just my experience, others may differ.

I think most multi tools would struggle to cut fence wire if I'm honest. There's also some debate as to the legality of a knife blade on a leatherman type tool with regard to if it is deemed to be locking or not.


Most plyers struggle to cut fencing wire. If you have a pair of plyers like these http://www.photo-dictionary.com/phrase/754/pliers.html with a notch cut into the head by the pivot, put your fence wire in there, its what its for. The length of the notches get hold of it and stop the wire twisting, and because the notch is very close to the pivot you get maximum mechanical advantage. Plus it will not shatter/deform the cutting face
Most plyers struggle to cut fencing wire. If you have a pair of plyers like these http://www.photo-dictionary.com/phrase/754/pliers.html with a notch cut into the head by the pivot, put your fence wire in there, its what its for. The length of the notches get hold of it and stop the wire twisting, and because the notch is very close to the pivot you get maximum mechanical advantage. Plus it will not shatter/deform the cutting face

Or a pair of proper fencing pliers


They have the cutting notch into the side of the rotating joint.
I think most multi tools would struggle to cut fence wire if I'm honest. There's also some debate as to the legality of a knife blade on a leatherman type tool with regard to if it is deemed to be locking or not.


I test all my multitools (and I get a few through for review in the mags I write for) by having a go at fencing and barbed wire with them ... I have not failed in this task with a leatherman ... but some of the "competition" have let me down - some just snapping.
Most Leatherman tools and other multitools have locking blades ... so now I carry the bladeless Leatherman EDC Rebar unless I know that I will have every good reason to be carrying a locking knife...
I have a pair of fencing pliers in my truck - also, there's fencing wire and there's fencing wire. On the estate I have access to they seem to be using something around 4 1/2mm - quite tough stuff.
John Fenna, does that test include high tensile wire? Coming across deer, cattle and once having a dog hung from the top wires of a fence the truck is never close enough!
I'm more than happy with my Rebar, a good mix of features and considerably lighter than the bigger tools.
Thanks for the reminder. I've got enough wire deer fence and wire grape trellis that I need the fencing pliers.
Up to this point, I've got along with other tools, such as bolt cutters, etc.
It might be a Juice CS4. That has both.
And a corkscrew.....as well as a host of other useful tools.
I love mine.

I have a juice xe. It has a saw and scissors. Thought I lost it the other day was not a happy chap. Fortunately relocated to a different pack.

One tool inwould replace if lost.


When i first bought mine there were only a few models available. Seems there are a lot more now. :)

Will have to get onto our kid in the states :D
i have 2 waves. my first i bought when they first came out, so was a good few years old and it was used pretty much every day until i broke the serrated blade. sent it back to the uk supplier and they sent me a brand new one (as they'd changed the design so couldn't replace the blade. My other was a US special forces model in black, with a detonator crimper on it (was got in a swap on here), and its still going strong as well. Be lost without either of them.
Are they really useful, or are the tools not really up to the job they are meant for? Christmas is coming and I am in search of The Perfect Present!

Short version: Depends.

Longer version: I have 4 Leatherman multitools. An original wave, a new wave, Original Juice CS4, and a Squirt PS4. The original wave can't be replaced so now I don't take it outside my flat. The new wave is nice, but heavy, you might not be carving a paddle with it, but it's certainly enough for light carving (i.e. pegs), sawing up poles for a shelter, and the like. I got the Juice CS4 as it provides pretty much everything the wave does, but I can take it through Eurostar security. But it's still a heavy tool, and while I like having a pair of pliers for things like fixing stoves, it's quite a lump to move around. So I got the Squirt PS4 as something light enough to slip in my pocket, with the tools I need to fix a stove on a hill, trim toe nails (the scissors are useful for this on trips), with a blade that's useful for light duty work (mostly I use it for slicing food on trains...).

So yes, Leatherman multitools can be great, just be aware of their limits.

I notice several mentions of the Juice CS4. Note that they changed the blade shape on the Juice CS4 last year some time. I got the original version as I prefer that shape blade, you may prefer the latest version. Just thought I'd give you the heads up.

I carry a Leatherman Surge every day. I find that it takes care of 95% of the tasks I need it to. I found that since I've been carrying it I use it for things I use to just do with my bare hands and it is either a bit safer or easier or both that way. I could get by without one but it definitely makes my life easier.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.