Kit list?


Aug 13, 2009
Esperance, WA
Hi there.

I was wondering if there was anywhere here that had a list of useful kit that they take when they hike/daytrip/scout

I've started getting my kit together, and I have a fair bit of stuff, but not a full list. Just want to see what I can take out of my webbing for hikes away from basecamp or just for a scout. I have a decent map of my planned mission area and want to spend a few weekends walking around and getting bearings/finding spots to camp.

In the morning I'll take inventory of what I plan on taking out, and then I'll compare notes.

Thanks all


Full Member
Sep 4, 2007
York, North Yorkshire
Everybody's kit list is different according to their experience/needs.

What it should contain in my opinion is:
First Aid Kit - with additions for your area like snake bites etc.
Mobile Phone - for emergencies.
Map and Compass of the area you are trogging in.
Something to cook in, drink out of and cook on.
Spare clothing.
Something to sleep in.
Food drink.
Firelighting equipment.

And that's just for starters.


Need to contact Admin...
Apr 8, 2004
Some might class this as over kill, but this is my kit list for a day hike.


GPS Unit
Route Guide (Leaflet)
Torch + Spare Batteries
2x 1 Litre Water Bottles
First Aid Kit
Food (see menu sheet)
Emergency Ration Pack
Meths Fuel Bottle
Turbo Flame Lighter
Cutlery and US Style Mug
Waterproof Jacket In Stuff Sack
Toilet Paper
Small Folding Shovel
Foam Sit Mat
Ground sheet, Survival bag and Para cord
Camera & Monocular
Trekking Pole
Zip-Lock Style Bags (For Rubbish)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
It amazed me that this thread popped up just when it did, I was thinking of starting one about lists, so this has saved me the trouble. :)

Everybody's kit list is different according to their experience/needs.
What it should contain ... [snip] ... And that's just for starters.

Agreed on all points. My lists tend to be combinations of other lists. They're usually modified for each trip. The master list usually looks something like this example for a motor-cycle trip last year:

Things don't change much from one trip to the next:

My lists will contain items which have their own lists, for example my first aid kit (required not only by common sense but also by motoring law in Europe) and my survival kit (if I take nothing else, I take that, and if I can't take that I'm not going :)) each has its own list.

Most of the time my journeys are by motor cycle so I can afford to carry a bit more weight than if I'm on foot. Sometimes I'll use an old list as a starting point and add to it or take away from it as circumstances dictate. For example if I were going alone I could leave the coffee at home :) and if I were going on foot I might start with a list from a bike trip and ditch about 20kg of junk like lubricants and tools that I know I'm not going to need because I won't be doing any machine maintenance on the trip. Reading between the lines I probably feel the same way as the OP, it's a great relief when I realize that there's something that I don't need to take. :)

Lots of the items on the list serve more than one purpose, and for the most important items there's always some duplication. For example I always take a polythene sheet as well as a tent, and in a pinch the sheet and some string can make a shelter. I will never have just one knife, and I rarely have less than four ways of making a fire in my kit. Real purists/minimalists will say you can make a fire with just your knife and the materials around you in the woods. I'm afraid at my age I'd rather just get the brew on RIGHT NOW and be cosy. :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.