Hi all,
Well after posting up my kit list a while ago, I've just completed my first overnighter in a local wood and thoroughly enjoyed it. I accompanied a couple of other members of this forum (sorry, can't remember their forum names!) and was very grateful for their wisdom. Of course seeing their kit and setup has meant that I returned home with a lengthy wish list but on the whole I think the kit list that I posted below performed admirably.
I do however have a confession to make! I swapped out the Czech bedroll for a new 3 season bag from Mountain Warehouse. This was simply because it weighed a ton and took up most of the rucksack. The new SB was good although it was a warm night so not really tested in terms of warmth, I'd be confident to use it throughout the autumn though, but not sure about the winter. In terms of the rest of the kit, I used everything on the kit list and didn't really want for more so I'd say that was a success. There was just two downsides; the ex army kit weighed several tonnes! (No surprises really) and my budget self inflating mat wasn't the most comfortable. It was only 2.5cm thick so I think I need something thicker? I've since seen a 3/4 length mat at go outdoors which is 4cm thick and about £20 so might look at that. I'd welcome your opinions on a more comfortable but not overly expensive alternative?
Having returned home I'm looking forward to the next camp and now weighing up options for an alternative shelter which will be lighter and less bulky than the polish lavvu. I'm thinking - hammock, tarp or small tent? They all have pro's and cons. I'm not sure about a hammock yet but am erring towards getting a dd 3x3 tarp and using my ipk again as a groundsheet but wasn't sure if I need a bivi bag with this system. I didn't use a bivi with the lavvu/ipk setup and was fine so wonder if it'll become necessary under a tarp?
The Swedish army trangia is worth a mention, I cleaned out vapour holes before the camp and it worked a treat and boiled up the water and chilli con carne in no time. It may be heavy but I'm happy to keep this in the kit as it works so well.
Thanks again for your advice, will post a piccy once I set up a photo bucket profile (can you link to piccies on google plus?)