Kevlar Protection items

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
But.... You get to meet and relate to the people you 'serve And Protect'...... They can't all be bad ?

You get to spend some time out of the vehicle, breaks in the C-store, or when on lunch break (if you can call a meal at 0200 lunch) And yes you do need the interaction. That's one of the reasons we eat at the same places as the general public. But actual patrol is always from a motor vehicle unless you're part of a special unit (horse patrol, aircraft patrol, beach patrol on an ATV, motorcycle patrol, boat patrol, or bicycle patrol) and those are obviously specialized duties.
am I the only one thinking that that kit list sounds like a check list for a bank highest ?

The thought crossed my mind too. On balance though I think if that were his intention he would have just googled it and ordered more anonymously.

on the other hand, if it is a bank job, what better place to get advice, military, police, survival experts:cool:. It could be that he is using a hidden server, false email etc, etc.

Ok dude, I will take my cut in Knives made by Ben and Dave thanks!
I did wonder if the OP wanted these items for a planned walk around the coast of Britain, where he might be set upon nightly by roaming gangs and have to depend upon his body armour and knife strapped to his leg ..... ;)
I did wonder if the OP wanted these items for a planned walk around the coast of Britain, where he might be set upon nightly by roaming gangs and have to depend upon his body armour and knife strapped to his leg ..... ;)

If he needs body armor, he probably needs more than a knife.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.