Just been spammed/trolled...


Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
Logged on to my facebook business page, to find that a review of my services had been posted, by someone I've never worked for, met, or even heard of, from a town I have never worked in, they've called me a liar a bully & a racist, what's wrong with these people ?.

Sorry about the rant.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
They're pathetic cretins :sigh:
They've never learned to really think. They don't consider that just because they can, doesn't mean that they should do just as they damned well like.
Miserable wee souls they must have to be so pettily nasty.
Yeah; pathetic sums them up.

Sorry you've got hassle from the creeps.



A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
That's an awful thing for somebody to do. Apart from here, emails, researching stuff and a bit of shopping I don't use social media at all; I've heard the stories of this sort of thing going on but this is the first time I've known somebody have direct experience of it; I hope it does you no lasting harm or damage. Is it possible for you to just remove it?

I'm actually quite stunned by this, it's the first time I've had to consider it as a reality and it's a bit of a shock.................................


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Report it to the relevant offices, there is a huge stamp down on trolls at the moment, as this type of thing is classified as slander, libel and online harassment. There are very many ways now, to track down trolls. Best of luck and very sorry to hear about this.
Jul 30, 2012
i've heard of this before, but that was the account being hacked and the hacked account being used to make lots and lots of nasty statements about people on the friend list. Lots of commotion caused and quite funny I thought, and I suppose it helps if your password isn't 'password'.

don't be afraid of flagging it and causing a commotion, and remember the internet isn't the real world so you'll find you will not get angry.


Aug 21, 2014
Unfortunately it happens quote a lot I'm afraid while there are plenty of ppl who use the internet for "normal" purposes ppl like you and I. There are always the idiots nasty vindictive little ppl with small brains whose sole purpose in life is to make others lives difficult
Like you I use this site for research. (sometimes I have the occasional whinge ). But there are will always be mindless creeps


Apr 6, 2014
South East
Logged on to my facebook business page, to find that a review of my services had been posted, by someone I've never worked for, met, or even heard of, from a town I have never worked in, they've called me a liar a bully & a racist, what's wrong with these people ?.

The same thing happened to my son. He had about twenty 5-star reviews and one 1-star review from someone he'd never heard of. He posted a very polite reply along the lines of "Hi John. I can't understand why you have posted this review as I have never worked with you , in fact I don't know who you are because we've never met!"
Don't post an aggressive or short-tempered reply as it may imply, to someone who doesn't know you, that there is some truth in this scurrilous review.
I also think you should report it as malicious to Facebook. Maybe you can get the review removed?
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Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
Firstly I apologise for bringing my problems to this forum, like most other members, for me this is a place of relaxation amongst like minded folks, but thank you for your support.

I'm not very computer literate so I will have to pass sorting the mess out on to my daughter !. An appropriate polite reply has been made. Having re read it what has been put, there is a particular service quote in there, which now leads me to think it is some one I know & have worked with in the past, who's using an alias.

Such is life,



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2004
Best of luck sorting this out mate, forum rules rightly stop me saying what I'd do to somebody who messed about with my livelihood in this way if I could track them down, this isn't joking, banter or anything else, it's an attack on the way somebody feeds, clothes and looks after their family, wow betide anybody that messes with my family.....surfice to say they would struggle with their own earnings for a few weeks ;)

I can take name calling and banter towards me personally no matter how rough it gets......I'm very thick skinned but disrupt the way I put shoes on my kids feet and see what happens ;)

Really hope you get this sorted mate. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 9, 2008
Ubique Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt
Facebook won't do a thing unfortunately, I tried to get a spurious remove remove from our business page, but my emails and direct messaging have been ignored. Not even a response. Meanwhile the offending review remains. You have my sympathy :(


Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
Thanks again for the support. I'm 99% sure who it is, though he's done via an alias, its a strange world...

Not holding my breath for facebook to do anything, though a number of people I've done work for, have since seen what's been written & posted positive ones. I was angy at first, but now having received such a huge amount of support, I'm laughing about it.




A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Nice one, Rob; great that your customers have come out for you, must be a nice feeling that they value what you do for them.........You reap what you sow and your seeds were obviously good 'uns :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
As a costomer basically I assess reviews on whether they contain truthful information. Say there one review that is off I can pretty much tell if the complaint is real or not, one bad review even a genuine one doesnt normally put me off a sale. Several do especially if there is similar theme. What I am saying dont worry. I know it is very hurtful but it really shouldn't effect buisness, presume most people are smart enough to judge on balance.

For a hypothetical example if facebook feed was say for tree surgeons if they all say great poeple professional blah blah and there was one bloke that says they left woodchips on his chamomile lawn I would think they were good at their good at their good and had annoyed a guy with ocd. Sometimes you do get reviews that dont ring true, can happen in either direction.


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