Itchy feet...


Jun 3, 2004
Oh yes, been considering and planning that for years. I don't wanna live in this very small and flat country anymore. :cry: Wanna go to Canada and live in the wilderness, in a great log cabin.

Well why not do it, somebody has to and will do. :?:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2004
Would I be right in thinking those of us who want to go to the canadian wilderness to live have all read "The Good Life, up the Yukon without a paddle"? ? ?

It's a top book and certainly inspired me to want to go there!!!! But he had a willing wife with canadian family....and I don't... :icon_cry:


Jun 3, 2004
bambodoggy said:
Would I be right in thinking those of us who want to go to the canadian wilderness to live have all read "The Good Life, up the Yukon without a paddle"? ? ?
You are not wrong! :wink: Although I haven't read it, it has still inspired me to do something like that. :) Of course when I get a little older.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
arctic hobo said:
Plan on moving to Norway in two years. If you don't know much about the country, then I recommend you take a very good look. The more you find out about it the more amazing it is. In fact I'm a bit of a Norway buff, PM me any questions at all you may have abou it, I'd be delighted to answer them :)
Hush up Hobo mate :wink: ,dont let everyone one know what a great place Norway is because we dont want everyone going there and the place being spoilt now do we.Remember there are only four and a half million Norwegians,they could be bred out in no time and it would then cease being Norway.

arctic hobo

Oct 7, 2004
Devon *sigh*
CLEM said:
Hush up Hobo mate :wink: ,dont let everyone one know what a great place Norway is because we dont want everyone going there and the place being spoilt now do we.Remember there are only four and a half million Norwegians,they could be bred out in no time and it would then cease being Norway.
:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: I'm silenced!! Hadn't thought of that.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
Gary said:
Its not so much the country its just the state its getting into, PC and human rights are breaking its back and the pressures of work and life are getting unbelievable - there are many other problems but I will get edited out if I go into them here - even Scotland is better than England,

The Scots are allowed to be proud to be scottish for a start, and everywhere I went the pace of life was slower, more natural less hustle bustle. I plan to move there once my kids leave school and in so doing I will turn my back on england.

However when all is said and done if I didnt have a wife and kids I would have gone to either Canada or Oz, I have had offers to go live in either and it is surely tempting. Canadians and Ozzies both can not understand how we have let Britian go down the pan, having said that Canada's liberal laws are starting to slowly destroy it too so i guess we need to all move to Oz buy a huge section of outback and set up our own new world!!
I hear you Gary i really do,England and the English is not far from finished in my opinion.Canada is a great Country,the Canadians are very nice folks but they are being betrayed by their governments just has we have.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
Eloise and I have met the entry criteria and been approved for residence in Canada... I may end up selling all my gadgets and car etc and moving next year some time.

A few months ago this was a pipe dream, it’s now becoming more and more reality.

Anyone up for maple syrup and pancakes?


Full Member
Aug 28, 2004
Isle of Wight
Gary said:
Its not so much the country its just the state its getting into, PC and human rights are breaking its back and the pressures of work and life are getting unbelievable - there are many other problems but I will get edited out if I go into them here - even Scotland is better than England,

The Scots are allowed to be proud to be scottish for a start, and everywhere I went the pace of life was slower, more natural less hustle bustle. I plan to move there once my kids leave school and in so doing I will turn my back on england.

Anyone who has listened to the news today will agree with you Gary and envy squidders.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 10, 2004
beachlover said:
Anyone who has listened to the news today will agree with you Gary and envy squidders.
Why,exactly what was on the news today.Feel free to PM if its not pc ect :roll: .


Dec 12, 2004
Plano, TX U.S.A.
Hey yall know the States are always open. I would welcome any of you to my house in Texas anytime. Some of us can even play a fair game of Rugby. Somewhere in Scotland at a place called Meggetland hangs the state flag of Texas with my signature on it.



Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
remember guys, The grass is always greener

I have lived in the middle east for 7 years and mauritius for 2

yet I always return home.

the benefit of living here is that I can use it a base with which to explore the rest of the world.

when people hear that I lived in mauritius they always ask why I came back, the answer is simple....... how long could you sit on a beautiful white sand beach..... and do nothing (there is nothing to do)........ before you got board?honestly?

I have never been so utterly mind numbingly board in all my existence if I had stayed there any longer I would have gone insane.

and if you think this countrys corrupt, vist africa or india or a hundred other countrys for an education of the true meaning of the word corrupt.

the govenment here are practically saints compared to the majority of the world.

I do love the middle east though and return regularly but here is where I live.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 17, 2003
from Essex
Thats it bill look on the bright side!!

What if you dont have electricity? :rolmao: :nana:

Personally speaking I agree with stuart to a degree - when I was in the army no matter where I was posted I alwas looked toward home. Now however I am completely heart sick about the way things are in this country - but the damage the 'do gooders' do is another story and not anything to do with bushcraft.

The grass is always greener on the other side - but its only the people who trample it underfoot and turn it to mud!


Oct 31, 2003
Gary said:
Thats it bill look on the bright side!!

What if you dont have electricity? :rolmao: :nana:

The laptop battery will last for a few hours :wave:

I think people are really wanting to swap 'normal' life in this country for a better country rather than 'going bush' living rough with no electric. I love the idea of living with the space you can own (and afford) in Canada, Australia or even Spain. Britain is so crowded at the moment. Drive on a motorway abroad and you will see what I mean.

I can live anywhere and enjoy going home for a visit but what does it matter if I'm going from Bedford to Bristol to see my parents or Spain to Bristol? Bet the M4 could take longer than the flight some times. It took all day to get to theirs on our way home from a holiday in the Lakes in September it would have been much quicker to fly from the continent to Bristol airport.

What I'm saying is the world is a very small place these days so why not live where you want.

I say go for it Joe and let us know what happens.



Full Member
Aug 28, 2004
Isle of Wight
Gary said:
Now however I am completely heart sick about the way things are in this country - but the damage the 'do gooders' do is another story and not anything to do with bushcraft.

Gary, you are quite right on both counts. I apologise for having a rant because I perceive the country going down the plughole at every turn. This is a buschcraft site and thats what we ought to concentrate on rather than polictics.

On a separate note we got the sweatshirt and folding mug this morning. Having only ordered it 2 days ago and it being Christmas we were well impressed. Many thanks and have a good one!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 17, 2003
from Essex
Bill just pulling your leg mate - I know most people just want to escape the overcrowding and the traffic jams, thats one of the reasons I'm looking at scotland. :biggthump

Beachlover - glad to have been of service. And personally speaking I'd say dont worry about the rant - I feel the same - but I'm not a moderator and so my thoughts mean nothing!! :rolmao:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.