Is this evidence of a big cat ??

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I respect Greta. There's plenty of 'I KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE' types with some pretty odd agendas. I was involved in REDWOOD SUMMER, purchased the damned sleeping bag Julia Butterfly slept in Luna. She came down and her ego went up; book deal, motivational speaker. We were supposed to reconnect here in SoCal. Leonardo de Craprio shows up for a photo op. His body guards block me from talking to them as he smiles his 'lets mate' look on his mega yacht anchored offshore spewing smoke from marine fuel and mini helicopter.
Nature is in serious trouble. We need everyone on deck to keep from sinking (except: let me lecture you on the environment Leo's) I also crewed Sea Shepherd, considered opening the sea cocks on his battlecruiser.
Wilderness fenced campsites. The latch mechanism is spring-loaded, I believe. Something that the bears have yet to figure out. They can open a car door with the handle just as any person would. Once they are habituated to people, the hazard jumps an order of magnitude. A grizz has the dexterity to claw open the brass of a .30-'06 rifle shell.

The camp sites are a means to an end, the end being all the activity of the day like rock or ice climbing, photography and so on. For peace of mind, I certainly have no objections at all.

I don't ever feel inhibited or limited to things that I can do in the form of day trips. Being able to sleep in my own bed with the wilderness on my doorstep is quite satisfactory.
Still looks like a cockapoo or labradoodle to me, especially with how little attention it paid that pair of ducks and how little the ducks paid to it.
Also looks like there is someone walking behind it. Can't make out if that is a pathway it's walking on, which would make sense as there seems to be a void of trees where it is walking.
There, see another non story.

And we know which paper promoted that nonsense in Loch Ness in the 30s...
This university has been testing for 12 years. Previous big cats turned out to be a carcass scavenged by foxes.

Now when I read this they said it was very hard to get dna from carcasses. There was no discussion on techniques used. I did read certain techniques for low levels of dna have been discredited. Like the environmental rNA test used in Loch Ness they found some highly questionable samples. IIRC elephants live in Loch Ness according to that research project. Do you believe that?

I'm sorry I do not believe those claims that there are big cats living and thriving in the UK. We have an island without the wilderness to support a thriving population. A country that's losing biodiversity probably worse than most of Europe. Yet within such an island you're thinking a big, apex predator population lives in the UK? In the Lakes of all places where this sample was taken!
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The claim is there is a single cat. Nothing about multiple cats or thriving.

I'd think if there is a big cat about, then it's likely it was or is someone's exotic pet.
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This university has been testing for 12 years. Previous big cats turned out to be a carcass scavenged by foxes.

Now when I read this they said it was very hard to get dna from carcasses. There was no discussion on techniques used. I did read certain techniques for low levels of dna have been discredited. Like the environmental rNA test used in Loch Ness they found some highly questionable samples. IIRC elephants live in Loch Ness according to that research project. Do you believe that?

I'm sorry I do not believe those claims that there are big cats living and thriving in the UK. We have an island without the wilderness to support a thriving population. A country that's losing biodiversity probably worse than most of Europe. Yet within such an island you're thinking a big, apex predator population lives in the UK? In the Lakes of all places where this sample was taken!
I would be very skeptical of a population of wild cats living and breeding in the UK, but I'd at least be open to the idea that there are, or have been, individual big cats which were previously privately owned which have made it into the wild.

Although I'd also then expect people to come across more evidence such as their carcasses once they'd died, plus some actual decent footage considering how many cameras we now have in the UK.
I'm guessing various cat species have similarities but enough differences in their dna to identify. It's like homo sapiens compared to say pongo pygmaeus. Whilst the hair colour of pongo pygmaeus might match some tribes of homo sapiens there's still a few differences.:)
I grew up with black bears still about in SoCal and was stationed on Kodiak and did post military population studies on Kenai. I visited Barrow and saw Polar Bears. I came home and years later this starry eyed girl wants me to meet this guy her group was promoting. We drive to Santa Monica and it's TIMOTHY TREADWELL. I tried to explain the real world to him. I was told to leave after maybe 5 minutes. My parting shot was 'You are going to get yourself, maybe a companion and a bear killed. I will mourn the bear.'
yes, Timothy did not tread well. I bet Werner Hertzog was made up though from a film makers point of view. Ref the film Grizzly Man, directed by Werner Hertzog.
I used to have a very big cat, he was a Maine Coon, and they are big cats. I can remember once when it had been snowing how he had bounded over the back garden as he didn't really like the snow and if you saw the distance between his footprints you would have swore it was a panther that made them.
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(If there is, chances are the locals will keep silent).

I don’t believe that sort of community cohesion exists any more than I believe in the big cats. I doubt such a conspiracy of silence would withstand a skilled national journalist.

I do believe that there might be some large feral domestic cats out there even though most feral tribes such as farm cats tend to be smaller than those we’ve owned.
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