Not sure about them having poles??? They come with lots of pegs, ready threaded with white cord. Ideal for making your slit trench better protected from air burst artillery, but for all the faff of putting in eyelets and ending up with a smaller tarp, I'd not bother. If you really want a smaller shelter, snap fasten a couple of 58 ponchos, or similar, together. At least you can always use a poncho as clothing - IPKs were just a way of kidding ourselves we'd be safe from a full on barrage from a division of Soviet artillery! (Yeah, yeah - I do know they are quite good for that and have been used to effect, but personally I think the surplus shops have stocks of these things and everyone is trying to find a use for them. No one I knew in the army ever made any useful shelter from an IPK (apart from aforementiontion 18 inches of overhead cover) - a flash basha involved a US poncho, or a SASS DPM hootchie. Just my 10 cents.