Into the Wild


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Sometimes it is bigger than the person or the event. It's about the idea. That is why Chris McCandless' story is so strong.


Jun 4, 2010
Hull, East Yorkshire.
I'm firmly of the same opinion as Richard.

The film was what it was, an entertaining film - made by folks to make money and for no other reason. Not to portray reality, just to pamper to some peoples need to escape their own.
Jan 28, 2010
Until the North American and Canadian authorities began preventing access to the interior to anyone who wasn't packing a bare minimum of provisions
just about everyone who went over there seeking a new beginning could just as easily be labelled.

I think defiant naivety was very likely, where the young tend to think that they are indestructible and that anything disastrous couldn't possibly befall them, no matter what.

It's one of my all-time favourite films for a number of reasons - I think most of us can find a lot we can relate to and at least some of us wish we'd had the spuds to do something similar (but with a somewhat more successful outcome) when we were younger :)

I just saw this film myself and thought it was really well done,
regardless of how accurate it was to the facts.
Your statement about the authorities preventing access to
those who are unprepared is something I find intriguing...
I've never been to Alaska, but I have been up to the Yukon
and NWT, and honestly, I could have wandered into the deepest
darkest Yukon wearing silk pyjamas and fuzzy bunny slippers
and nobody would have known or cared. The pop density of
NWT is ONE TENTH of a person per square mile; if somebody
really wants to disappear up there, all the mounties in Canada
aren't gonna keep him from going.


Feb 21, 2010
Rupert's Land
I agree with you on the pyjamas and slipper thing silentpaddler. A person can do the same pretty well anywhere in the remote parts of any of the provinces and no one would bat an eye(except to laugh if they saw you)


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