Illegal Crayfish Trappers Arrested!


May 26, 2008
Assuming this wasnt anything maliciouse, unfortunately it and things like it happen a lot - ive been to sites which used to have lots of white claws, where people have introduced signals believing them to be natives. Wiping out not ony that area but for tens and tens of miles downstream too. Or people dont get why disinfecting is importand and do the same thing with pluage.

I have to say there is an alarming correlation with 'bushcrafty' places in some areas and 'new' signal locations too. I even know of a fishery with a seriouse infestation - how they would stop them from getting into their releases i have no idea.

If nothing else it does go to show that well meaning can be very damaging!

Rah rah rah!

Especially annoying for all of us who do know whats going on and do take pains not to have negative impacts, but often are tarred with the same brush.

'll be interested to se if they are prosecuted - the EA can be quite feisty!


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