To have a fully autonomous machine in charge of its own list of targets and able to readjust it's own parameters based on the importance of the target, be it a large mission objective or a single person is fundamentally wrong in my view. there should all ways be an accountable body in charge of the fire button, else you will start to lose the human empathic response from the battle field. i.e chaps roll in to a compound find the chap they are looking for, he is with his family, they arrest the whole lot to get the one man. machine rolls into a compound finds the chap with his family, his mission is kill or capture any way could it be that wrong for it to just interpret the family as accomplices and kill every one there? the machine completed its mission as charged and the loss of life is deplorable but its just a programming error that needs to be adjusted, this kind of action after a while is no longer an error but the norm, you hear the world is becoming a safer place, and start not to care about how it's happening as there are no more injured or dead soldiers for the news to report? I'm not saying this wouldn't happen with dudes on the ground just to say it could be an easy way to explain the way we become cool with mechanised executions in the name of peace.