hey guys as you all no its near on impossable to find a mondeo (older shape) with out ductape. well i have one and the amount of times i have been slaped up the **** or decided " that will do " with the front bumper squished against a bollard at tesco. my bumpers are still intact and today i got hit square up the jolly roger buy a brand new merc slk and she prety much rote her car off on my tow bar. preparing my self for a brake down and the ductape i looked and all i had some of her lovly paint stuck to my bumper. i never ever felt so smug with my self in my hole life when the police asked me to move my car forward so they could see the damage for there report and get her car on a recovery truck she was crying on the phone to her bloke and i was and still am shocked i still have all my bumpers intact not even one little crack