I made a chair.


Jan 19, 2008
Sligo, Ireland
I had to cut back a tree in my garden last year. Well when I say 'I', I mean I supervised and the lost boy got on with the work. But anyway, I ended up with some lovely straight branches, which I put in the shed to do something with later when the wood had seasoned.
I also have a willow 'fedge' around my garden, which yields loads of long willow withies every year.
So, I put the two things together and made myself a lovely arm chair.
I want to send ye a picture of this chair, but I don't know how to put pictures into these messages.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
I had to cut back a tree in my garden last year. Well when I say 'I', I mean I supervised and the lost boy got on with the work. But anyway, I ended up with some lovely straight branches, which I put in the shed to do something with later when the wood had seasoned.
I also have a willow 'fedge' around my garden, which yields loads of long willow withies every year.
So, I put the two things together and made myself a lovely arm chair.
I want to send ye a picture of this chair, but I don't know how to put pictures into these messages.

To up an image go to a sharing site like http://xs.to/ Then click on the browse button, find your file and click "Upload". After a few moments you'll see a little pic of your original. If you scroll down you'll see some bold text saying "Forum code for embedding" and a little box underneath full of text and brackets. Copy this and paste it into the main window of your message here and Voila !!:D


Jan 19, 2008
Sligo, Ireland
thanks, mad dave. I tried that. Twice! I selected the picture with the browse, and clicked up load. The computer said wait, so I waited. Then it said done, and presented me with a blank page and some new letters and stuff on the tab bar.
I must be doing something wrong.
Now, bearing in mind the I am visually impaired and technically inept, can anyone bring me step by step along the path to making a message with a picture in it for this forum. It would have to be really idiots guide stuff.


Jan 19, 2008
Sligo, Ireland
Me too. I hope it's comfortable. I really want to be able to make a simple chair for when I'm out for a weekend. I'm fed up with having a numb bottom from sitting on a log all weekend.

Ah, ginger, I am sorry to say that this is not a carrying around chair. It is a sitting by the river at the bottom of my garden on a glorious sunny summer's day, sipping mint juleps chair. I believe in doing it with style.
For the prevention of numb-bum I carry a Hammock.

But I still have no luck with getting the picture posted. The Lostboy will be home for my birthday, and will give me a tutorial on that sort of thing, so you should get to see the chair by Christmas.

EDIT; lost came home early. here is the chair.


Jan 19, 2008
Sligo, Ireland
And here is a picture of the river I intend to sit by, should we ever get a summer's day again.

By the way, Ginger, I am working on a Hammock chair design for you, to save your poor bum.
I LOVE IT! :You_Rock_

I'm going to shamelessly copy it, if that's ok?!? :) I've got some lovely straight yew and loads of willow.

It looks like it's all tied together and not nailed - am I right? Did you just use strong string?

Did you...

Make the basic frame by lashing together straight poles and then weave in the willow to make the comfy bits and arms?

Thanks for making the effort to post the picture. I'm inspired!



Jan 19, 2008
Sligo, Ireland
Thanks, Hen.
The frame is pinned with small nails, and then lashed with strong string. Since this is just the prototype I did it the easiest way, rather than the strongest and most aesthetic. But the next one I make will have the frame made properly by notching and lashing the pieces of the frame. And the lashing will be with wet leather, so that it tightens as it dries.
The willow is pinned with panel pins, and tied with wool. Next time, lashing with strong string or sinew.
But next time will be next year, as I have no more seasoned branches.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Excellent stuff shows you what can be done with the materials around us, inspirational :You_Rock_ thanks for posting that rivermom.

What did you find the hardest bit to do?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
Ive a willow at the top of the garden that needs re-pollarding. I can see a project coming along soon :D

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
. And the lashing will be with wet leather, so that it tightens as it dries.
The willow is pinned with panel pins, and tied with wool. Next time, lashing with strong string or sinew.

You could use wet rawhide.(soaked dog chews, cut into strips) cheap and easy.

nice chair mom.

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
Yes, not on a chair though.:D IIRC There is a recentish thread somewhere on her by John Fenna where he utilised a Doggy Chew as a sheath liner.;)


Dec 3, 2007
there are pins in some places in mom's chair, but in hindsight, it didnt need them, and would be stronger without them (they may split the wood) for the next one, the rawhide sounds like a great idea. we were talking about redesigning some of the joints for the next one, but over all its a very sound, comfortable and sturdy chair.
thanks all for the wonderful comments on mom's chair.


Oct 27, 2007
I'd recommend rawhide over leather for this sort of job.
I've made re-enactment shields with dog-chew edging and seen it stand up to stupid amounts of abuse (being hit quite a lot with swords and Daneaxes.....yes they are blunt, but not that blunt)
I've also seen shield grips bound together with it, and one guy who'd fixed his axe handle with it. He broke it at the start of a three day event, bound it in rawhide and dried it by the fire overnight and then took the field with it the following morning (apparently he was still using it with that same repair a month later :eek: )

If you do use rawhide either keep the chair (or whatever) in the dry or waterproof the hide so it doesn't get soaked again, beeswax is good....or that re-proofing stuff you can get for Barbours (and the cheap copies people like me use :lmao: )

Love the chair, all organic curves...just like people


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